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No, Mr. President, ObamaCare Will Hurt Blacks and Hispanics

The president's dream is better than his scheme

President Obama is taking a new message to the African American and Hispanic populations: ObamaCare means these communities  “will finally know the security of affordable care.”  If only it were true.  But like so many of the president’s promises, his dream is better than his scheme.

The fact is:

  • Most uninsured blacks and Hispanics will be dumped into Medicaid, the worst health insurance program in the country;
  • Millions of seniors, and especially minorities, could lose access to Medicare Advantage, one of the best government-offered health programs; and
  • The added cost to hiring a worker will mean employers will hire fewer workers, or stop offering health coverage, which will hit younger, less-educated and lower-skilled workers particularly hard.

It’s easy to understand why the president is making a special effort to connect with African Americans and Hispanics: about 22 percent of blacks and 32 percent of Hispanics are uninsured, as compared to about 14 percent for whites.

But more importantly, he’s losing support or seeing increased apathy among many of those who put him over the top in 2008.  By reaching out to African Americans and Hispanics, the president is hoping to energize them, even though they have been disproportionately damaged by his failed economic policies.

Uninsured blacks and Hispanics tend to have lower levels education and fewer job skills, which means lower incomes.  And that means that many of them will get their new coverage from Medicaid.

However, Medicaid pays so little that most doctors won’t take new Medicaid patients because they lose money on every visit.  A recent Texas Medical Association survey found that in 2010, 42 percent of Texas doctors would take new Medicaid patients.  By 2012, that number had fallen to 31 percent.

A family physician (and a state senator) recently told me he used to be able to refer children on Medicaid to a specialist without any problem.  No longer.  And the problem will only get worse.  Not only is there a growing doctor shortage in the country, several physician surveys indicate that many doctors — though probably not 83 percent, as indicated by one poll — will quit practicing once ObamaCare really kicks in.

To be fair, the health care law temporarily boosts Medicaid reimbursements to Medicare levels — which are still significantly lower than private insurance — but they will soon fall again, and are scheduled to go even lower in the future, according to Medicare’s actuary.  Thus, more blacks and Hispanics will have coverage, but they will have fits finding a doctor to treat them.

There is some irony in the fact that Obama boasts that he has reined in the worst abuses of the private health insurance companies while doing nothing to fix Medicaid’s many problems.  Virtually anyone would take private insurance over Medicaid.

In contrast to its huge Medicaid expansion, ObamaCare tries to scuttle Medicare Advantage, one of the government’s best-run health care programs.

About 26 percent of Medicare beneficiaries choose Medicare Advantage (MA) for their health coverage.  The program pays private sector health plans a flat annual fee to provide comprehensive coverage to each Medicare beneficiary who opts in.

However, that fee is about 14 percent higher than Medicare spends on the average person in traditional Medicare.  The increase is intended to encourage health plans to provide additional coverage.  Democrats have been very critical both of including private sector insurers and in the fee bump and would like to kill the program, which is why ObamaCare cuts MA reimbursements by about $145 billion over 10 years.

But then Democrats realized that lower-income seniors, and especially blacks and Hispanics, like and widely participate in Medicare Advantage.  A new study from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) shows that 64 percent of African Americans and 82 percent of Hispanics Medicare Advantage participants had incomes under than $20,000.

Wanting to avoid the headline “ObamaCare Dumps Millions of Minorities from Medicare Advantage,” the Department of Health and Human Services has adopted an $8.3 billion “demonstration project” to keep money flowing to Medicare Advantage, at least until after the election.   What happens after that is anybody’s guess.

Finally, the employer mandate requiring employers (with 50 or more employees) to provide coverage means that Obama has increased the cost of hiring a new employee by at least $2,000.  That’s the penalty if the employer doesn’t provide health insurance; if the employer does, he could be paying thousands more.

The average employer-based family policy costs about $15,000, with employers covering on average about $11,000 of that cost, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.  A minimum wage worker makes about $15,000 a year, essentially equal to the cost of the policy.

Virtually every credible economic study on minimum-wage increases, which might just be a dollar an hour, shows they cost low-skilled workers jobs.  While most of the discussion has focused on whether employers will drop their coverage, the bigger question is whether the cost of coverage, or the penalty (or is it a tax?), will price low-skilled workers out of the job market?

Had the president supported modest, targeted health reforms, he could have improved Medicaid and ensured access to some basic, affordable coverage for millions of low-income Americans — not to mention the country.  Instead, Obama may be able to claim more people have coverage, but they will soon discover that doesn’t mean access to care — or a job.