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The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) is a conservative, free-market public policy think tank that focuses on economic growth, innovation, limited government and individual liberty. Thanks for visiting! Please take a look around and sign up for updates. Please share our work with others and consider becoming a supporter!




The Conservative Impulse

The wall in Game of Thrones is reminiscent of a parable by the conservative Christian writer G.K. Chesterton, which first appeared in his 1929 book, The Thing.


Giving No Truck to Trucking

Policymakers need to begin considering new ways of funding transportation infrastructure that properly allocate the costs of maintenance and repair. We are intrigued by the idea of a commercial vehicle miles travelled tax (VMT-C) that would tax commercial vehicles by the miles driven, but which would omit passenger vehicles. 


Don't Blame the Autopen

The president is chosen by the states to administer for a limited time (thank God) the Office of the President, the head of the Executive Branch. He doesn’t run the country, control the economy, create jobs, set the price of eggs or the rate of inflation, determine the course of the nation, or serve as the Tribune of the People or the Soul of the Nation. At least that’s what the Constitution says.


Texas Should Not Regulate AI -- Yet

Texas should hold off on regulating this potentially transformative technology. It’s absurd to regulate a technology like AI on a state-by-state basis. AI isn’t exactly intrastate commerce.

Texas should be a leader in innovation, not a leader in regulation. 

Let's Pay a Tariff!

Supplier: "Hey, John, we’ve got your order in, but I’m going to have to send you a replacement invoice."

John: "Why?"

Supplier: "Well, I have to add a 25% surcharge to the order."

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