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The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) is a free-market policy think tank that focuses on issues related to economic growth, innovation, limited government and individual liberty. Thanks for visiting! Please take a look around and sign up for updates. We welcome your support for our work.




Government-run Health Care Systems Also Deny or Delay Treatment

Many critics of the U.S. healthcare system assert that if the country were to embrace a U.K. or Canadian-style government-run health care system, no one would be denied care. Those critics are either misinformed or intentionally trying to deceive the public, because government-run health care systems frequently delay or deny needed medical care. 


Biden's Christmas Present for Trump: Sticky Inflation

The Fed will decide in its December meeting whether it will cut interest rates again or, if the members are concerned that inflation is too sticky, hold off lowering interest rates until they see clear signs of inflation decline.  

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