  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth

Fifth Annual Communications Summit

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Policy Across a Wide Spectrum

"Communications policy" is no longer a silo unto itself. Communications impacts every area of our lives, including health care, taxes, and our homes. With our health, livelihoods and lifestyles involved, it's more critical than ever to get communications policy right.

mHealth is revolutionizing the health care system, creating digital pathways for care. Smart systems are transforming homes with unsurpassed conveniences, efficiencies, and connectedness, yet there are still challenges. But the digital future stands threatened by multiple or discriminatory online taxes unless Congress makes permanent the Internet tax moratorium. And it remains far from assured that we will succeed in freeing up sufficient spectrum for imminent demands of our new mobile lifestyles.

Please join the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) at our fifth annual Communications Summit, featuring industry insiders and thought leaders with expertise in tax, health care, and communications policy to discuss these issues and more facing our digital world.


The Smart Phone Physical of Tomorrow, Today
Michael Batista, Ph.D. Candidate, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

mHealth Progress & Obstacles: Regulation, Privacy, Security
Joel C. White, Health IT Now Coalition
Jim Bialick, Newborn Coalition
Moderated by Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., IPI

Internet Tax Freedom Act: Back to the Future
Annabelle Canning, Capitol Tax Partners, Internet Tax Freedom Act Coalition
Jot Carpenter, CTIA - The Wireless Association
Moderated by Bartlett Cleland, Madery Bridge

Progress and Obstacles on the Spectrum Auctions
Charla Rath, Verizon
John Hane, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
Ari Meltzer, Wiley Rein, LLP 
Bret Swanson, Entropy Economics, LLC
Moderated by Tom Giovanetti, IPI 

The Home of Tomorrow Today: Successes and Challenges for the Connected Home
New Speaker! John Sampson, Microsoft
Kyle Dixon, Time Warner
David Don, Comcast Corporation
Moderated by Bartlett Cleland, Madery Bridge


Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:15 AM to 1:30 PM
ROA Headquarters Minuteman Memorial Building, Minuteman Ballroom, 5th Floor
One Constitution Ave NE, Washington DC 20002

***Complimentary lunch will be served
***This event is widely attended

To register:

Follow us on Twitter! @IPI #IPIComsSummit


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Madery BridgeComcast (Horizontal) 



 TimeWarnerCable                                   CTIA the Wireless