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To the Moon, Mars and the Stars: Reclaiming America's Leadership in Space

Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series

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With the Apollo moon landing in 1969, the United States became the unchallenged leader in space. But after years of lacking the capacity to put humans into space, and a frustrating and expensive dependence on Russia, there have been mounting fears that the U.S. had forsaken its commitment to space exploration.

That’s all about to change.

Join the Institute for Policy Innovation on September 13 for our next Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series lunch event featuring NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, who will discuss the Trump administration’s vision to reclaim America’s leadership in space.

Don’t miss this inside look into the space agency’s ambitions for the next era of space exploration: Our plans to return to manned spaceflight within months; how a Space Force will integrate into America’s strategic defense; and how private space ventures like SpaceX and Blue Origin are unleashing competitive, market forces and innovation to speed us not only into orbit, but venturing on to the Moon and Mars.

Hilton Anatole
2201 North Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75207

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This program is underwritten by:

Sumners Foundation