Ever wonder what it was like to run a software company while trying to protect the core value of your products -- the innovation protected by copyright or patents?
Come hear the challenges of software patents from a CEO who knows -- Gary Greenfield. He has been the CEO of multiple software companies, such as Avid, Merant, Peregrine and GXS, and has served on the boards of many more. In addition, Bob Stoll, Former Commissioner of Patents, USPTO and Jon Potter, president of App Developers Alliance will be providing their insight into the discussion.
Come hear the challenges of software patents from a CEO who knows -- Gary Greenfield. He has been the CEO of multiple software companies, such as Avid, Merant, Peregrine and GXS, and has served on the boards of many more. In addition, Bob Stoll, Former Commissioner of Patents, USPTO and Jon Potter, president of App Developers Alliance will be providing their insight into the discussion.
What role should patents be playing in protecting software? Why do they play a role at all? Doesn't copyright protect software adequately?
Critical questions -- critical answers.
Event Details
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Noon to 1:30 pm
Rayburn 2325, Capitol Hill
Complimentary lunch will be served
Noon to 1:30 pm
Rayburn 2325, Capitol Hill
Complimentary lunch will be served
Register here: http://softwarepatent.eventbrite.com
This event is widely attended
For questions, please contact Erin Humiston: erin@ipi.org or (972) 874-5139