Bartlett D. Cleland is a research fellow with the Institute for Policy Innovation.
Cleland represented IPI as a member of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force and contributed to its final report, released in January 2009. The Task Force was created in February 2008 at the request of 49 state attorneys general to identify effective tools and technologies to keep kids safe online.
He currently serves as private sector co-chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Telecommunications & Information Technology Task Force. Cleland also serves on the Internet Education Foundation Board of Directors, which involves working closely with the Internet Caucus and such projects as GetNetWise, a project to assist parents in understanding the Internet and how to protect children on-line.
Cleland began his professional career in the human resources field with Lee Hecht Harrison as a consultant for executive outplacement. He went to
Pugilistic Manner or Performance Management?
Instead of tax reform Congress seems insistent on blame, negative reinforcement and abdicating responsibility.
Moving from Pigou to Government Control
There is little, if any, room in the tax code for taxes conceived as a means to influence behavior. However, a conversation about using the tax code as means to control citizens does seem to correctly involve cow waste.
Movement of the Permanent Internet Tax Moratorium
Hopefully, the next step on the right path will be taken with the House Judiciary Committee deciding that the Internet tax moratorium must continue.
Et tu, Governor Quinn?
By Monday Illinois Governor Quinn must approve or deny a scheme that may well leave him in a similar, if less dramatic, situation as Nero.
What's Wrong with the Middle Class? Uncertainty, Taxes and Low Growth
Given the years of handwringing and little in the way of results, one might believe the reason the middle class is under greater stress is a mystery, but in fact the reason is clear.
One More Branch of Government Takes Action and Gets it Right, Another Opts for Failure
The Supreme Court took a step in the right direction, but the proposed patent legislation, which has been shelved, is also necessary to fully address bad actors’ behavior.
Voters Favor Corporate Tax Reform
Citizens get it, can explain it, and understand that the failure of Congress to undertake tax reform is directly harming our country.
Rescue Consumers from Internet Tax Now
The number of working days remaining in the current congressional session, is quickly dwindling. On the must-do list should be protecting the Internet from multiple or discriminatory taxes, a process Congress began in 1998.
It Is Time to Welcome All the Best and Brightest
It’s counterproductive for the U.S. to restrict the number of talented, high-skilled workers who want to make their contributions in the United States.
Extend, Then Reform
Pass the tax extenders and then let's get serious about fundamental tax reform.