  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth

Tom Giovanetti


Tom Giovanetti is president of the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), a conservative, free-market public policy research organization based in Dallas, Texas.

In addition to his administrative duties, Tom writes for IPI and for leading publications on a variety of policy topics including taxes and economic growth, self-government and the Founders' design, civil liberties and constitutional protections, judicial supremacy, intellectual property, Social Security personal accounts, technology and Internet policy, and out-of-control government spending.  In addition to being regularly published in major outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, and The Dallas Morning News, Tom has a regular column in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Tom frequently appears in the media and is a fill-in host for the Mark Davis Show in the Dallas-Fort Worth market. 

Tom's passion is encouraging conservative voters and organizations to remain skeptical of Big Government, maintain faith in markets, and defend individual liberty as the best means of achieving human flourishing. His most recent work has focused on free-market solutions to the student debt issue, preserving freedom of speech online, and persuading state legislatures to override local and municipal policies that restrict economic liberty.

Mr. Giovanetti has represented IPI at many national and international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) the World Health Organization (WHO) and represented IPI during trade agreement negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Mr. Giovanetti is a popular speaker and writer, and also testifies before state and federal legislative committees on a variety of topics.

Follow Tom on Twitter at @tgiovanetti

October 2, 2019

Court Upholds Limits on SALT Tax Deductions in Trump Tax Reform

A federal District Court has upheld the $10,000 cap on state and local taxes (SALT), and that’s a good thing.

October 1, 2019

On Net Neutrality, the Courts Catch Up with Markets

For now, the court decision puts an end to a short and misguided period in the history of internet policy.

September 11, 2019

Giovanetti Nails It

IPI expert referenced: Tom Giovanetti

This is hands-down the best piece I have ever read. 

September 8, 2019

We Can Stop Mass Shootings Without Restricting Second Amendment Liberties

It's time to adapt to the era of mass shootings. And once we have secured our public and private spaces against the deranged, we can start trying to address root causes.

August 21, 2019

Don't Cut the Payroll Tax, Unless...

A temporary cut in payroll taxes creates a unique opportunity to implement one of our favorite pro-growth policy ideas—personal retirement accounts.

August 9, 2019

Our Own Private Theranos

The licensing of intellectual property is put at risk by absurd outcomes like the HouseCanary verdict.

July 18, 2019

IPI Applauds FCC Effort to Curb Municipal Abuse of Cable Franchise Authority

We appreciate the FCC’s aggressive efforts to protect consumer interests and ensure that out-of-control local governments don’t erect counterproductive barriers to increased adoption of broadband services throughout the country.

July 17, 2019

They Want Your Retirement Savings

The SECURE Act will prevent you from using your IRA to bless your children and grandchildren. It would be an ominous precedent.

July 8, 2019

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson Can Develop Effective Democratic Governance That Will Please Republicans, Too

If Johnson can resist the demands of progressive constituencies to impose a social agenda on the people of Dallas, and if he will simply focus on doing a great job of running the core duties of the city, he can count on the support of Dallasites of all political persuasions, and in the process redefine Democratic urban governance, making Dallas a model for cities across the nation.

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