Bartlett D. Cleland is a research fellow with the Institute for Policy Innovation.
Cleland represented IPI as a member of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force and contributed to its final report, released in January 2009. The Task Force was created in February 2008 at the request of 49 state attorneys general to identify effective tools and technologies to keep kids safe online.
He currently serves as private sector co-chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Telecommunications & Information Technology Task Force. Cleland also serves on the Internet Education Foundation Board of Directors, which involves working closely with the Internet Caucus and such projects as GetNetWise, a project to assist parents in understanding the Internet and how to protect children on-line.
Cleland began his professional career in the human resources field with Lee Hecht Harrison as a consultant for executive outplacement. He went to
Capitol Hill
Sens. Dick Durbin and Mike Enzi are "pro-taxers" who are "trying to avoid a debate on the merits" of an e-commerce sales tax bill by adding it as an amendment to the Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act, the Institute for Policy Innovation said Wednesday to Communications Daily.
The Internet Tax Is Back
Although all 50 states report an increase in tax receipts they want more, and are trying to get more via the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act, even if it involves trampling on Supreme Court precedent.
The Constitution Is a 'Loophole'?
Haven't we already seen enough damage done to the Constitution with legislation that raises taxes and increases costs?
A Tale of Two Islands
Even in the most remote areas of the country service providers are already providing Internet access, even while searching for ways to provide even faster access.
The New Colossus...What Happened?
Securing the best and brightest from around the globe to plant their ideas and grow their dreams here returns dividends to every current U.S. citizen.
Radio Wants to Kill the Wireless Star?
The notion of DC picking winners and losers by means of technology mandates is both odious and destructive to an innovative future.
The Tax War Against the Internet
Pro-tax forces across the country see broadband as the golden goose of tax revenue.
The Rush to Regulate Health IT
Some policymakers, regulators and others in government still treat technology as a stand-alone policy issue. But that makes little sense since it is so deeply embedded in virtually everything we do.
Is There an App for That?
The 'UN-Internet' Is Coming
United Nations members who prefer top-down governance and a heavy hand of government, are on the march to change the “rules” of the Internet