Tom Giovanetti is president of the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), a conservative, free-market public policy research organization based in Dallas, Texas.
In addition to his administrative duties, Tom writes for IPI and for leading publications on a variety of policy topics including taxes and economic growth, self-government and the Founders' design, civil liberties and constitutional protections, judicial supremacy, intellectual property, Social Security personal accounts, technology and Internet policy, and out-of-control government spending. In addition to being regularly published in major outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, and The Dallas Morning News, Tom has a regular column in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Tom frequently appears in the media and is a fill-in host for the Mark Davis Show in the Dallas-Fort Worth market.
Tom's passion is encouraging conservative voters and organizations to remain skeptical of Big Government, maintain faith in markets, and defend individual liberty as the best means of achieving human flourishing. His most recent work has focused on free-market solutions to the student debt issue, preserving freedom of speech online, and persuading state legislatures to override local and municipal policies that restrict economic liberty.
Mr. Giovanetti has represented IPI at many national and international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) the World Health Organization (WHO) and represented IPI during trade agreement negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Mr. Giovanetti is a popular speaker and writer, and also testifies before state and federal legislative committees on a variety of topics.
Follow Tom on Twitter at @tgiovanetti
Republican Senators Attempt to Kill Email Privacy Act
Although House members recently passed the Email Privacy Act with unanimous consensus, some Republicans in the Senate are trying to kill the legislation. Why?
Trending Topic: Let the Market Work
If customer feedback leads Facebook to design a more robust and transparent system that ensures fairness to all its users, that is a market success, not a market failure. Let’s let it play out.
Letter Regarding Puerto Rico Bankruptcy & Harmful Precedents
Proposed legislation to facilitate Puerto Rico's bankruptcy process continues harmful precedent of throwing investors under the bus but protecting government pension systems.
Trending Topic: Let the Market Work
If conservative concerns lead Facebook to design a more robust and transparent system that ensures fairness to all its users, that is a market success, not a market failure. Let’s let it play out.
Only Government Could Oppose Ride-Sharing
Who could oppose a new service that is universally loved by its participants? Government, of course—especially government at its worst.
Obama Off The Rails On Economy
While Obama can talk the bark off a banyan tree, he cannot make Americans hallucinate prosperity. Obama is the only U.S. chief executivein history not to preside over even one year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes.
It's The Senate's Turn To Protect Your Digital Rights
Presidential politics means we have only about two months left of useful legislative time, so it’s time for the Senate to get its act together and move the Email Privacy Act.
Ride Sharing Is Win-Win-Win For Passengers, Drivers And Cities
Austinites have the opportunity to overturn the city’s mistake and begin unraveling Austin’s protection racket with the taxi industry with Proposition 1.
The Social and Political Cost of Slow Economic Growth
The American people are blaming other countries and other people for a slow-growth wound that is self-inflicted.
Comments to the FCC Regarding "AllVid" Video Navigation Choices Rulemaking
The FCC's "AllVid" rulemaking is an example of top-down regulatory hubis, as there is no evidence of a market problem or failure.