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Merrill Matthews

Resident Scholar

Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, a research-based, public policy “think tank.” He is a health policy expert and opinion contributor at The Hill. He also serves on the Texas Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Dr. Matthews is a past president of the Health Economics Roundtable for the National Association for Business Economics, the largest trade association of business economists. Dr. Matthews also served for 10 years as the medical ethicist for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Institutional Review Board for Human Experimentation, co-author of On the Edge: America Faces the Entitlements Cliff, and has contributed chapters to several books, including Physician Assisted SuicideExpanding the Debate and The 21st Century Health Care Leader and Stop Paying the Crooks (on Medicare fraud).  

He has been published in numerous journals and newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Barron’s, USA Today, Forbes magazine and the Washington Times.  He was an award-winning political analyst for the USA Radio Network. 

Dr. Matthews received his Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Texas at Dallas.

October 15, 2019

'Medicare for All' vs. a Better Medicare

Both President Trump and Democratic presidential candidates are pushing for Medicare reforms. One approach improves Medicare the other eliminates it.

October 10, 2019

Trump Impeachment Efforts Will Haunt the Next Democrat In the White House

Democrats will regret setting into motion the never-ending impeachment process.

October 9, 2019

It's Appropriate for Trump to Mandate Immigrant Health Coverage

President Trump's decision to mandate immigrants have health coverage is appropriate, and his Proclamation may actually give immigrants access to affordable coverage. 

October 8, 2019

The US Shale Oil Boom Has Made A Middle East War Less Likely

It looks like the decade-old U.S. shale oil boom may keep us out of war.

October 7, 2019

Incriminating Photo Bad News for Biden

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews

A political scholar believes the controversy surrounding Joe Biden's son could weigh down on the former vice president. 

October 3, 2019

I'll See Your Democratic Tax Increase and...Triple It!

Democrats are  calling for huge new tax increases to pay for their new spending while taming the growth in government debt. The past proves we'll get the taxes and spending, but the debt will only increase.

October 3, 2019

Warren Takes the Lead

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews

Political scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews of IPI says three main factors contribute to Elizabeth Warren's rise in the Democratic presidential polls.

September 27, 2019

Why Warren Is Taking the Lead

For voters who want socialist policies but conclude Sanders cannot win the nomination Warren is the next best option.

September 24, 2019

Medicare Has Tried Price Controls--and Failed

Democrats want to impose price controls on prescription drugs, even though Medicare's long history of price controls shows that they don't control spending.

September 24, 2019

GOP, Progressives, Insurers - All Cast Skeptical Eye at Pelosi Drug Plan

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) formally released her long-awaited drug-pricing bill last week, and very few individuals and organizations endorsed it outright. 

Total Records: 1699