Bartlett D. Cleland is a research fellow with the Institute for Policy Innovation.
Cleland represented IPI as a member of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force and contributed to its final report, released in January 2009. The Task Force was created in February 2008 at the request of 49 state attorneys general to identify effective tools and technologies to keep kids safe online.
He currently serves as private sector co-chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Telecommunications & Information Technology Task Force. Cleland also serves on the Internet Education Foundation Board of Directors, which involves working closely with the Internet Caucus and such projects as GetNetWise, a project to assist parents in understanding the Internet and how to protect children on-line.
Cleland began his professional career in the human resources field with Lee Hecht Harrison as a consultant for executive outplacement. He went to
The Cost of Protecting Teens Online
Protecting kids is a worthy goal for us all, but there are ways to do it that don’t require sacrificing our liberties and violating our privacy, which is a harm in itself, including for our teens.
Canadian Troll Patent Suits Could Upend U.S. Connectivity
The ITC has an important job to do – protecting American companies from unfair foreign trade practices, but trolls are abusing this important agency. The AAIA will allow it to return to that mission and keep patent trolls out of the ITC.
Technology Can Save Kids' Lives in Texas
Texas legislators should consider investing in the necessary technology to properly serve its wards in its deficient foster care system instead of spending their time in populist pontificating against “Big Tech.”
Texas Goes Big on Broadband...Maybe
Loads of new federal dollars for expanded broadband access presents Texas (and other states) an opportunity to make broadband available to every resident. But the state will have to stay laser-focused on reaching unserved communities instead of taking the easier road and creating additional competition for existing broadband customers.
Texas Goes Big on Broadband...Maybe
Loads of new federal dollars for expanded broadband access presents Texas (and other states) an opportunity to make broadband available to every resident. But the state will have to stay laser-focused on reaching unserved communities instead of taking the easier road and creating additional competition for existing broadband customers.
World Wi-Fi Day and the Value of Unlicensed Spectrum
You can be forgiven for not knowing that today is World Wi-Fi Day, but you’re certainly aware of the importance of wi-fi to our modern economy and lifestyles. That’s why it’s concerning that Congress has allowed the FCC’s authority to auction and allocate spectrum to lapse. Congress should prioritize restoring the FCC’s authority with the recognition that unlicensed spectrum is also of immense economic value to the economy.
Surrendering Privacy to Protect Children Online
A variety of legislative proposals across the country attempt to limit “children’s” or minors’ ability to be online, but the implications reach right to our basic liberties.
"Crushed" by Conservatives Abandoning their Principles
While Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) says “Big Tech” is “crushing” free speech, we are crushed to see Rep. Buck and fawning organizations abandoning their free market, limited government principles.
Broadband Adoption, One Key to Growing a Local Economy
Broadband access enables access to information, education, healthcare and community, but many American households simply do not take advantage of access to broadband. Efforts to increase broadband adoption through digital literacy education are an investment that can pay off in economic growth for local communities.
Texas Legislators "Come and Take" Free Speech
Like the Texians before them, today’s Texans overwhelmingly believe in free markets, private property, individual liberty and lesser government. HB 20 violates not only these principles but also the free speech protections of both the U.S. and Texas Constitutions.