A Framework For Tax Reform
Our current federal tax system fails to raise the necessary revenue to fund government in an efficient manner, and in a way that accurately prices the cost of government so that voters can make intelligent decisions. The President’s tax reform commission should establish neutrality, visibility, fairness and simplicity as criteria for a reformed tax code that will improve the economy and promote better government.
Fixing the Saving Problem:
How the Tax System Depresses Saving, and What to Do About It
The personal saving rate in the U.S. is alarmingly low — far too low to meet the retirement needs of the baby boomers. The very low saving rate restricts investment, which in turn retards economic growth. The culprit is the pervasive bias against saving that is built into almost every aspect of the tax code. Removing this bias against saving through tax reform could raise national income by 10 to 15 percent in 15 years.
This publication is part of the Road Map to Tax Reform™ Series
A Balanced View of the Debt, and other articles
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