Everything Is Seemingly Spinning Out of Control
In FY2020, federal revenues were $3.42 trillion, but federal spending was $6.5 trillion. In other words, the federal government spent almost TWICE what it took in. That’s not sustainable.
Right on Cue, Here Come the New Taxes
Blowout Democratic spending is the prerequisite for claiming the country MUST raise taxes on the rich.
Government Spending Is Becoming One Big Fraud-Fest
Elected officials used to care about "fraud, waste and abuse." But Democrats increasingly think handing out taxpayer dollars is more important than who gets them.
So Much for Joe Biden, Moderate
President Biden wasted no time releasing a flurry of executive orders and legislative proposals. Some of them may be helpful in addressing the economic challenges imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. But others would almost certainly “cancel” his effort to create jobs, grow the economy and promote equity.
Wait, 'PAYGO' Is Still a Thing? Who Knew?
PAYGO is supposed to impose some fiscal discipline on Congress. Instead, it is a minor speedbump as Democrats seek to ramp up federal spending—and federal debt.
Actually, State and Local Government Revenues Are Looking Pretty Good
Many state and local governments are seeking lots of Covid-19 money from the federal government, even though their tax receipts weren't hit nearly as hard as many feared.
An Easy Way for States to Save Health Care Dollars
If state and local government employees were to substitute more biosimilars for brand name biologic drugs, governments could save millions of dollars in tight budget times.
The Taxing Ticket
In 2021 the economy will need pro-growth, not pro-government, policies to enable economic recovery. But the Biden/Harris ticket is promising the opposite.
Fact-shaming Michelle Obama's DNC Speech
In her emotion-driven speech to the virtual Democratic National Convention, Obama made several claims that are at best misleading. And if the media won’t do its job in pointing out these contradictions, others have to.
The Real Looting Has Shifted to Washington
The looting occurring in many major cities pales in comparison to the looting Democrats will inflict on taxpayers.