  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


August 7, 2012

Taking a Multi-Country Stand Against a U.N. Takeover of the Internet

A couple weeks ago Mr. Rubio, along with Senator McCaskill and a bi-partisan group of co-sponsoring senators, introduced a resolution that if approved would demonstrate the U.S. government's commitment to Internet freedom by opposing the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and some countries' efforts to impose international regulations dictating how the Internet is to be operated.

April 5, 2012

The 'UN-Internet' Is Coming

United Nations members who prefer top-down governance and a heavy hand of government, are on the march to change the “rules” of the Internet

March 22, 2012

Pigs, or maybe Hogs, at the Government Feeding Trough

Rural telecommunication’s providers and their Capitol Hill protectors are seeking to postpone the FCC protections and may be looking to weaken consumer protections in the Farm Bill.

March 1, 2012

Wireless Carriers Will Need Government Spectrum for Broadband Use, Executives Say

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Bloomberg's Paul Barbagallo reports from IPI's 4th annual Communications Summit that industry experts say wireless carriers need more spectrum than the estimated 60 MHz to 120 MHz that will be reclaimed from television broadcasters under the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act.

February 29, 2012

2012 Communications Summit Recap

IPI's Fourth Annual Communications Summit, "Creating the Future"  was held in Washington, DC February 29, 2011.

February 29, 2012

Steve Largent Keynote Address at IPI's 2012 Communication Summit

In his keynote address, CTIA President Steve Largent pressed the need for more spectrum to meet consumer demand for wireless innovation.

February 23, 2012

Next Generation TV?

Given all the marketplace and technological changes that have taken place since 1992 we need a legislative solution that stops relying on a 20 year-old regulatory structure.

Total Records: 123