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Energy RSS Feed

Access to abundant, affordable energy is a key factor in economic growth, whether supplying the manufacturing plants of the 20th century or the server farms of the 21st century. Unfortunately, the federal government has placed unreasonable restrictions on domestic exploration and development, and  foreign sources are sometimes actually hostile to our own interests.

New discoveries and innovative technologies have made possible the extraction of enormous new energy resources within the United States. The U.S. possesses not only enormous natural energy resources but also the technology to extract those resources in a responsible manner.

IPI believes that the United States should become as energy self-sufficient as possible, drawing upon a diverse energy base comprised of all possible energy resources. We believe that free people operating within a free economy using voluntary risk capital will out-innovate government-directed central planning funded by taxpayer dollars. The key to energy innovation is abundant capital, a tax system that rewards rather than punishes success, an intellectual property system that allows innovators to own the fruits of their research, and a regulatory environment that balances the needs of our economy with the protection of the environment.

August 22, 2018

SoCalGas Helps Put More Ultra-Low Emission NGV Trucks on Road

In more recent years federal environmental authorities have worked to keep the proportion of ethanol to gasoline in U.S. supplies at 10%. Generally, the auto and boating industries alike have resisted the use of ethanol, but the Trump administration may be poised to reverse that, according to a commentary on the Institute for Policy Innovation blog by Merrill Mathews, who equates the administration's interest to providing pork barrel offsets to Iowa farmers.

August 17, 2018

Trump Pushes the Ethanol Blend Wall

Increasing the blend wall to E15 means more demand for corn, which means higher prices and more money in farmers’ pockets — or maybe it just offsets some of their tariff-related losses.

July 25, 2018

Trump Accomplished American Energy Dominance - Then Gambled It On A Trade War

If the U.S. and China don’t defuse this conflict, China’s retaliatory tariffs could hammer America’s booming energy industry, wiping out thousands of current or future oil and gas jobs.

June 20, 2018

Where Steel Tariffs Will Hit Hard: Your Gas Tank

Imposing steel tariffs will force consumers to pay more for electricity and to fill their tanks.

May 30, 2018

Reducing Global Energy Turmoil with Fracking

The recent U.S. gas and oil boom will help fill any impending gaps in the global energy supply.

May 15, 2018

'Fake News' Also Happens When the Media Ignore Important Findings

A recent study found no indication that fracking contaminates groundwater? Didn't hear about it? That's the problem.

May 1, 2018

A Modest Proposal for Reducing U.S.-China Trade Tensions

U.S. and Chinese trade negotiators are meeting to resolve trade tensions. One way to do that is for China to import more U.S. oil and natural gas.

May 1, 2018

Russian Trolls Are Pitting Americans Against Energy Industry

Russian internet trolls didn’t limit their mischief to the last presidential election.

March 27, 2018

Arctic Sea Ice Has Been Declining, But Maybe Not Why Critics Think

There are multiple non-human-caused factors that affect Arctic sea ice: Here two of them.

March 14, 2018

Gasoline - Not Corn Alcohol - Belongs In Our Fuel Tanks

The RFS is the latest phase in Congress's decades-long support for the ethanol industry. The problem is that support has outlived its usefulness.

Total Records: 351