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Intellectual Property

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Economic growth begins with ideas, innovation and creativity. Since the signing of the Constitution, the U.S. has protected the fruits of creativity and innovation through intellectual property protection, primarily expressed as patents, trademarks, copyright and trade secrets.

As our economy has become even more dependent on innovation, intellectual property issues have been pushed to the forefront. The clashes have led some to question the value and even the legitimacy of IP protection. While some of these attacks come from the libertarian perspective, most originate from the same naïve socialist impulses that so demonstrably failed in the realm of real property—but somehow are seen as thoughtful with respect to IP.

IPI believes that creators have the right to own and control the fruits of their creativity, and that the IP system has done an admirable job of not only incentivizing innovation, but also making creative products and services available to the public and transferring technology to the developing world.

May 22, 2014

One More Branch of Government Takes Action and Gets it Right, Another Opts for Failure

The Supreme Court took a step in the right direction, but the proposed patent legislation, which has been shelved, is also necessary to fully address bad actors’ behavior.

May 19, 2014

America becoming a nation of pirates

Entertainment. This country is enthralled with it to the point of breaking the law.

April 26, 2014

Happy World IP Day: Celebrate Responsibly

April 26 is World Intellectual Property Day, recognizing a topic that is increasingly vital and contentious in today's environment of copyright, patent and trademark battles.

April 24, 2014

IP Intensive Industries--the Majority of U.S. Exports

Power point presentation by Tom Giovanetti at IPI's 9th Annual World Intellectual Property Day Forum.

April 20, 2014

Eleven Numbers That Show How Prolific Illegal Downloading Is Right Now

The US economy loses $12.5 billion in revenue and other economic measures each year due to piracy in the music industry, according to the Institute for Policy Innovation estimates.

March 20, 2014

Troll Casino: Jackpots Won Routinely

The economic incentives of the patent litigation system make it attractive to threaten to sue, even for the most dubious of claims—a situation not much different than that which has driven many to demand broader tort reform.

March 6, 2014

U.S. IPR Protection Insistence May Derail TPP Talks, Critics Say

Strong protection of IPR is critical to boosting U.S. exports through its free-trade agreements. Speaking at a Cato trade conference, panelist Tom Giovanetti stated, "The largest silo of U.S. exports are the core IP industries." 

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