Trump Shouldn't Run Again--Here Are 4 Reasons Why
While Democrats may be stuck with Biden, Republicans are not stuck with Trump. He may not be willing to move on with his life, but Republicans should be with theirs.
When Will the Media Stop Shamelessly Prostrating Itself Before Hillary Clinton?
Journalists, when given the chance to interview Clinton, seem too enamored and thankful to be in the great lady’s presence to bring up her own role in undermining democracy.
Not Even 2nd Amendment Rights Are Absolute. Let's Talk About Keeping Guns from the Insane
It seems entirely sensible that we can preserve our Second Amendment right to bear arms while keeping significant firepower out of the hands of the disturbed, the dangerous and the immature.
Four Signs Trump's Influence in the GOP Is Waning
Most former presidents followed the Washington example and stepped into the shadows for a while so the country could move on. Trump didn’t. As time moves on, he will eventually lose his grip on the GOP, and it’s already beginning to happen.
What Share of the Hispanic Vote Would Give the GOP Political Dominance?
If Republicans were to consistently draw just over 30 percent of the Hispanic vote, they would likely dominate American politics in both presidential and congressional races.
Progressives Threaten Democracy When Pushing for More Executive Orders
Progressives push expansions of presidential executive orders that bypass Congress even as they claim duly passed election-reform laws threaten democracy.
Can Democrats Avoid 2022 'Death Wish' by Getting Tough on Crime?
Bronson’s character in “Death Wish,” Paul Kersey, put fear in the hearts of thugs and criminals. Today, the November election is putting fear in the hearts of Democrats precisely because they have refused to put fear in the hearts of violent thugs and criminals.
At Many Texas GOP Events, Christians Pray in Jesus' Name. What Does That Say to Other Faiths?
The mission of the Texas GOP should be to win elections, and in an increasingly diverse and secular Texas, building a winning coalition means not “othering” people who want to be Republicans but who don’t share your Christian beliefs.
Media on the Clinton Scandal: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
The mainstream media now know many of the unseemly facts. Yet they are conducting interviews with Hillary Clinton, without bringing up the campaign’s unethical, and perhaps potentially illegal, actions.