"Stimulus" Is the Wrong Paradigm
Recession and economic stimulus is the wrong paradigm for the current situation. That hasn’t stopped many of our conservative friends from turning to the tried-and-true solutions of tweaking tax incentives, which don’t directly address the problem.
Here Come the Useless Economic Stimulus Proposals
The coronavirus-related economic fears are leading liberals to propose their only solution to any problem: handing out more tax dollars.
Two Cheers for Trump's Budget and a Big Boo for Democrats' Response
A step-in-the-right-direction budget—if the reality matches the rhetoric, which it often doesn't.
An 'Easy' Way to Cut $640 Billion from the Federal Budget
Taxpayers send hundreds of billions of dollars to the federal government and then beg the feds to give some of it back. Why not eliminate the middle man?
States' Internet Tax Grab Going Well--for Them
The Supreme Court's Wayfair decision gave states a new revenue stream—as well as an excuse to spend even more taxpayer money.
The Next Tax Grab: Robbing Peter to Pay...Peter
Some Republicans now think imposing taxes to change consumer behavior and then rebating the money to minimize the impact is a good idea.
It's Appropriate for Trump to Mandate Immigrant Health Coverage
President Trump's decision to mandate immigrants have health coverage is appropriate, and his Proclamation may actually give immigrants access to affordable coverage.
I'll See Your Democratic Tax Increase and...Triple It!
Democrats are calling for huge new tax increases to pay for their new spending while taming the growth in government debt. The past proves we'll get the taxes and spending, but the debt will only increase.
Medicare Has Tried Price Controls--and Failed
Democrats want to impose price controls on prescription drugs, even though Medicare's long history of price controls shows that they don't control spending.
Three Thumbs Down for the Big-Spending Budget Buster
Another big-spending budget deal, where Republicans claim they'll do better next time—though "next time" never seems to come.