  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


November 23, 2017

Trump Banishing Obama's Memos, Regulations

In less than a year, the Trump administration has dramatically scaled back government overreach, Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, told WND.

November 22, 2017

FCC: Stand Strong and Implement Sound Internet Policy

The Federal Communications Commission just released its plan to restore internet freedom, which will bring back the historical light-touch framework that for twenty years instilled regulatory certainty and propelled over a trillion dollars in investments in better broadband services for consumers.

November 21, 2017

DOJ Suing to Stop Time Warner, Citing Lack of Pay-TV Competition

The Institute for Policy Innovation in a statement said the transaction "had been considered non-controversial by antitrust observers of all political persuasions." It said opponents of the deal likely don't have a markets or competitive basis and opposition instead is based on President Donald Trump's antipathy for CNN, with Justice "using the heavy hand of government to persecute those it doesn't like." If that's what's driving DOJ, it said, that would be "an ominous turn in the Trump administration."

November 21, 2017

Giovanetti Commends FCC Initiative Rolling Back Title II

"We’re thankful that this mistake is soon to be overturned," said Tom Giovanetti.

November 21, 2017

Car Buyers Lose When Government Tells Them What to Buy

Normally, a manufacturer would eliminate such a poor-selling product. What gives? Government mandates and taxpayer dollars, that’s what.

November 20, 2017

DOJ Suing to Block AT&T-Time Warner Deal

In the first big merger review under the Trump Administration, the Justice Department has filed suit to block AT&T's $85 billion bid for Time Warner and its valuable programming assets.

November 20, 2017

Giovanetti: Trump DoJ Attempt to Block AT&T Merger "Disappointing," "Ominous"

IPI president Tom Giovanetti says it’s more than disappointing that the Trump administration has decided to attempt to block the AT&T-TimeWarner merger, which had been considered non-controversial by antitrust observers of all political persuasions.

November 14, 2017

U.S. Carbon Is Down, While World Carbon Is Up

The Bonn climate conference has been criticizing the U.S., which has been reducing carbon emissions, for being uninterested in standing with polluters that claim to be interested.  

November 3, 2017

Trump Twitter Takedown Brings More Grief for Silicon Valley

“Conservatives watch as almost every week accounts are punished for tweets that may be controversial but are not threatening, and we can tell this is happening because we have run afoul of a single employee’s discretion,” said Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, a free-market think tank, calling Thursday's incident significant.

September 28, 2017

Survey: Electric Vehicles Fail to Spark Consumer Sales

The Chevy Bolt, touted by electric car advocates as the plug-in electric vehicle for the masses, has yet to make significant inroads into overall car and truck sales.

Total Records: 369