Don't Let Budget Talks Threaten Medicare Part D
Overhauling Medicare’s Part D drug benefit would be a colossal — and costly — mistake.
They Want Your Retirement Savings
The SECURE Act will prevent you from using your IRA to bless your children and grandchildren. It would be an ominous precedent.
Democrats Would Resolve the Question of Whether Illegal Immigrants Burden Society
Immigrants may currently be a net asset to the economy, but under the Democratic presidential candidates' proposals they will surely be a net cost.
Did the U.S. Shortchange Puerto Rico on Disaster Aid?
Some think Puerto Rico has been shortchanged. The numbers tell a more nuanced story.
"On the Edge: America Faces the Entitlements Cliff" Kindle Edition Now Available
As the widening U.S. budget deficit shatters records, in part due to increased Social Security spending and interest payments on the national debt, a new book available today through Amazon’s Kindle store says Congress must address the cost of the nation’s exploding entitlements and walk America back from the fiscal cliff.
As Budget Deficit Balloons, Congress Must Address Exploding Entitlement Costs
This week’s Treasury Department numbers show that the budget deficit has skyrocketed 77 percent, in part because of increased Social Security spending and interest payments on the national debt. A new book says Congress must address the cost of the nation’s exploding entitlements and walk America back from the fiscal cliff.
As Debt Limit Deadline Looms, Congress Must Address Exploding Entitlement Costs
The national debt has soared to a record high of $22 trillion and a debt limit deadline is looming. The most significant factor contributing to this out-of-control spending is the cost of the nation’s entitlement programs, more than 60 percent of all federal spending. This level will only grow unless Congress takes steps recommended by a new book, “On the Edge: America Faces the Entitlements Cliff.”
Coalition Letter to Congress Regarding Highway Trust Fund
Letter to Congress urging members to preserve and strengthen the users-pay/users-benefit highway funding principle and to establish a nationwide, interoperable mileage-based user fee pilot program.
Well Whadya Know: Federal Revenue Is Up
The left predicted that the Republican tax cut legislation would lower federal revenue. Surprise! Federal revenue is up.
Outdated Medicaid Rolls May Tell Us Something About Outdated Voter Rolls
States historically have had a difficult time managing their data, such as Medicaid and voter rolls. Trying to clean up those rolls may just be a sign of good governance rather than voter suppression.