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Economic Growth

Economic Growth RSS Feed

A growing economy creates jobs, raises living standards, maintains global competitiveness, and thus engenders positive attitudes and optimism about the future.

While many policymakers seem intent on focusing on either economic stimulus or austerity, IPI believes that the economy can grow consistently and at higher rates than we’ve experienced in the last decade, and we reject the idea that economic growth contains within itself the seeds of its own demise through inflation, the business cycle, and erroneous Phillips Curve assumptions. Therefore, economic growth should be elected officials’ primary policy goal at the federal, state and local levels, and it’s the organizing principle of our policy work at IPI.

Whatever limitations may exist on economic growth, they should not be self-imposed through counterproductive tax policy, overbearing regulations, ill-conceived monetary policy, trade protectionism, or hostility toward skilled and ambitious immigration.

March 26, 2020

Less Stimulus, More Overdraft Protection

This proposal would get substantial help directly to the people and businesses who need it, while minimizing the drain on the federal budget—unlike most of what’s being considered in Washington. 

March 25, 2020

"Stimulus" Is the Wrong Paradigm

Recession and economic stimulus is the wrong paradigm for the current situation. That hasn’t stopped many of our conservative friends from turning to the tried-and-true solutions of tweaking tax incentives, which don’t directly address the problem.

March 11, 2020

What Comes AFTER a Payroll Tax Cut?

Maybe it’s time for policymakers to start focusing on real structural reforms that result in long-term prosperity, instead of constantly relying on short-term fixes.

February 12, 2020

Make Business Expensing Permanent

How, exactly, do tax cuts stimulate economic growth? By encouraging businesses to invest. 

February 11, 2020

Two Cheers for Trump's Budget and a Big Boo for Democrats' Response

A step-in-the-right-direction budget—if the reality matches the rhetoric, which it often doesn't.

January 21, 2020

Global Capitalists Meet in Davos to Extol Global Socialism

At least some World Economic Forum attendees think we have reached "peak laissez-faire," meaning it's time to give government more control over our economies and our liberties. 

January 15, 2020

A Balanced Assessment of the U.S.- China Trade Deal

One of the president's top trade advisors sees nothing but positives from imposing tariffs. A more balanced view sees some positives, but many negatives. 

January 10, 2020

The Blue-State Exodus Gains Momentum

It was only a matter of time before both businesses and individuals began voting with their feet. And that time has apparently come. 

December 21, 2019

Are Fossil Fuels an Ethical Investment?

America has become the world’s leading energy producer. That fact has improved both our lives and our economy. Investing in the companies that make prosperity and national security possible isn’t just ethical, it’s commendable.

Total Records: 607