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Technology & Communications

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Economists have long recognized that technological innovation and enhanced communication increase productivity and reduce friction in economic activity.  And never before has technology’s impact on economic growth been as evident as it is today.

At IPI, we focus on technology and communications policy not only because it’s critical to economic growth, but also because government’s inherent tendency to regulate prospectively poses an active threat to the economic gains and lifestyle enhancements made possible by technological innovation.

The communications and technology industries are among the country’s most competitive and the biggest capital investors in the U.S. economy, and are thus prime engines of economic growth and job creation. It is critical that public policy encourages continued innovation and investment in the tech sector, and that we don’t limit the innovation upside with counterproductive taxes and regulations.

April 27, 2017

Brace for Fake News About the Broadband Regulatory Reset

FCC Chairman Pai is absolutely correct to reset internet regulation to its previous, light-touch approach.

April 26, 2017

IPI Commends FCC Chairman Pai for Move to Begin Restoring Light-Touch Federal Broadband Regulation

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is undertaking the important work of setting Internet policy back on its well-established framework of light touch federal regulation by overturning the Obama administration’s ill-advised reclassification of broadband under Title II.

March 31, 2017

IPI Urges FCC to Resist Price Controls and Supports Termination of Special Access Proceeding

The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) supports the closing of the FCC’s business data services proceeding, and thus supports a vote to terminate the proceeding at the Commission’s April 20th meeting.

March 30, 2017

The Allegation That Congress Destroyed Your Internet Privacy Is Fake News

You have been lied to about “your browsing history being sold to the highest bidder.” That was fake news pushed by special interest groups taking advantage of easily duped social media.

March 6, 2017

Comments to the FCC Re Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services

Institute for Policy Innovation asks the Commission to reconsider and withdraw the 2016 Privacy Order as an early step in undoing the many mistakes and overreaches of the Commission under its previous Chairman.

March 3, 2017

Ailing Texas Telemedicine May Be On the Mend

Restrictions, such as what exists for now in Texas, simply increase health care cost, restrict opportunity and choice for patients, and smack of paternalistic big government.

March 2, 2017

Progress on Telemedicine in the States

Infusing technology in health care can save money and provide great benefits to patients.

March 2, 2017


If Congress passes the Email Privacy Act and sends it to President Donald Trump, it could be an "quick, easy bipartisan victory" for taxpayers and get the new administration and lawmakers off to a "positive" start, said IPI President Tom Giovanetti in an opinion piece in TechCrunch Wednesday.

March 1, 2017

Email Privacy Could Be A Quick Win for Trump and Congress

Congress could chalk up a quick, easy bipartisan victory for taxpayers if both the House and Senate determined to pass the Email Privacy Act as early as possible.

February 10, 2017

H-1B Visa 'Impasse' Should Be 'Easiest' Immigration Problem to Fix, Says IPI Chief

The H-1B visa "impasse" should be the "easiest" of all the "controversial elements" of proposed immigration reform for Congress to fix, said Tom Giovanetti in a Thursday blog post.

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