For all of the quality care it delivers, the U.S. health care system is one of the most dysfunctional sectors of the U.S. economy. The government spends nearly 50 cents of every dollar spent on health care, most consumers are almost entirely insulated from the cost of their decisions, and employers decide what kind of health insurance their employees get.
But while the U.S. health care system begs for reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act only exacerbates all of the current problems, promising to devolve into a price-controlled system rationed and micromanaged by bureaucrats.
IPI believes there are much better options: reform the tax treatment of health insurance; remove the state and federal mandates and regulations that make coverage more expensive; pass medical liability reform; and promote policies that create value-conscious shoppers in the health care marketplace.
Biden: You Like Obamacare? We're Gonna Keep It!
Former Vice President Joe Biden has released his proposed health care plan – and in the process channeled a historic Barack Obama promise that many Americans later discovered to be a lie.
'Biden' His Time on Obamacare
Joe Biden wants a government-run health care system, just like most Democratic presidential candidates, he just plans to bide his time in getting there.
Success Is Found In the Private Sector
Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) wants to cap seniors' drug costs in Medicare Part D, but not everyone sees positives to that plan.
Just Say No to Government Meddling with Medicare Part D
Imposing back-door price controls is bad news for seniors.
Democrats Would Resolve the Question of Whether Illegal Immigrants Burden Society
Immigrants may currently be a net asset to the economy, but under the Democratic presidential candidates' proposals they will surely be a net cost.
When Drug Prices Mean More Than Sick Patients
The HHS proposed reform would do Medicare patients more harm than good. Price controls may save the government money in the short term, but they would slow the rate of medical progress.
Louisiana Lawmakers Seek to Crack Down on Medicaid Fraud after Audit Shows Enrollment Abuse
Louisiana lawmakers are pushing forward several bills in response to an audit of the state’s Medicaid program which resulted in the removal of 30,000 people from rolls because they earned too much money. Merrill Matthews says Louisiana is doing the right thing by trying to clean up its Medicaid rolls, starting with audits.
Louisiana Senate Approves Obamacare Replacement Plan
Merrill Matthews says GOP state legislators in Louisiana and elsewhere haven't learned a thing from the Obamacare disaster.
Health Care Price Transparency Won't Take Off Until Patients, Rather Than Government, Demand It
We agree that health care needs price transparency, and it will come if and when health care consumers, rather than government, demand it.
Five Cheers for Trump's Latest Health Care Initiative
President Obama boasted he wanted to increase individuals' access to affordable health coverage. President Trump may have just accomplished Obama's goal.