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April 27, 2017

Get Ready for Fake News From Tech Giants About Broadband Regulatory Reform

It’s going to be very difficult for opponents of reversing Title II to make sound legal arguments against the reset, since they spent years making the case that the FCC had precisely the authority to reclassify broadband as it saw fit.

April 27, 2017

Brace for Fake News About the Broadband Regulatory Reset

FCC Chairman Pai is absolutely correct to reset internet regulation to its previous, light-touch approach.

April 26, 2017

IPI Commends FCC Chairman Pai for Move to Begin Restoring Light-Touch Federal Broadband Regulation

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is undertaking the important work of setting Internet policy back on its well-established framework of light touch federal regulation by overturning the Obama administration’s ill-advised reclassification of broadband under Title II.

April 20, 2017

Texans Testify Against Transgender Bathroom Bill Through the Night

Tom Giovanetti said the House bill was an improvement from a Senate version because it was a small-government solution that limits the creation of additional protected classes of people. “It will limit the ability of cities to get involved in this type of social justice activity,” he told the committee.

March 31, 2017

IPI Urges FCC to Resist Price Controls and Supports Termination of Special Access Proceeding

The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) supports the closing of the FCC’s business data services proceeding, and thus supports a vote to terminate the proceeding at the Commission’s April 20th meeting.

March 30, 2017

The Allegation That Congress Destroyed Your Internet Privacy Is Fake News

You have been lied to about “your browsing history being sold to the highest bidder.” That was fake news pushed by special interest groups taking advantage of easily duped social media.

March 29, 2017

Trump Order Dismantles Climate Rules

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order that may slow the closure of some US coal-fired power plants and will begin a lengthy process of rescinding much of former President Barack Obama's climate change policies.

March 28, 2017

Mosquito Population Skyrockets Due to Urbanization and DDT Ban, Not Climate Change

“As humans change the landscape through urbanization, the mosquito populations also change, favoring those feeding on humans, which also appear to be major disease carriers,” said Matthews. “DDT was used heavily in the 1940s to the 1960s because it was cheap and very effective, and it apparently decimated some U.S. mosquito populations so they are only just now recovering. But even though several countries are using DDT, at least in a restricted way, there remains heavy international pressure for them to not do so.”

March 13, 2017

Tom Price: Nobody Will Be Worse Off Financially Under AHCA

Leaders on the Hill, in industry and some in public health praised Trump's pick of Gottlieb — a former FDA and CMS official, who's also a physician and a prominent health policy commentator — to run the agency. "The reason I voted through my objections with Trump is that a presidential election selects a team, not one person," said Tom Giovanetti, head of the conservative Institute of Policy Innovation. "Scott Gottlieb is another example."

March 9, 2017

Scott Pruitt Will Have to Change EPA Policies - And Culture

Scott Pruitt may face the biggest challenge of all of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointments because the EPA is dedicated to a cause rather than the public.

Total Records: 369