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Budget and Deficit

October 24, 2017

Obamacare Titanic Is Sinking; Republicans Look for a Pail to Bail

Obamacare is the policy equivalent of the Titanic, taking on water and sinking fast. The Alexander-Murray bill is simply a bailout effort, and some Republicans are looking for a pail. 

September 28, 2017

At Last, Pro-Growth Tax Reform

Faster economic growth is on the table, if only Republicans can keep their eyes on the prize.

September 26, 2017

Trump Should End Obamacare Subsidy Payments Now

President Trump put an Obamacare constitutional problem on hold hoping Republicans would fix it. They didn’t, and it’s time to return to the Constitution.

September 19, 2017

Trump Bumps, and May Even Dump, the UN Swamp

President Trump delivers straight talk and perhaps a veiled warning to the United Nations.

August 22, 2017

The Deadly Descent of Obamacare

As the downward spiral quickens, the White House announces it will continue to pay the subsidies and keep Obamacare from crashing until later. Weighing the likely outcome, Merrill Matthews disagrees: “If you’re going to lose anyway, probably best to lose on the side of good policy — and the Constitution — and reject the [subsidy payments].”

August 22, 2017

Draining the Foreign Aid Swamp

President Trump and Secretary Tillerson are scaling back the money we hand out to other countries, and the countries and other hangers-on don't like it one bit.

August 15, 2017

To Bail or Not to Bail (Obamacare)?

President Trump faces yet another health care dilemma created by President Obama and the Democrats. 

August 3, 2017

The Demise of myRA

We can say goodbye to the myRA program. But it won’t be the last time the federal government attempts to lure the American people into bailing out Washington’s unrestrained spending.

July 25, 2017

The Other Addiction Crisis Facing America: Government Spending

We are facing an addiction crisis in the U.S.; elected officials are hooked on spending your money and we have to help them break the habit.

July 11, 2017

'You Dingbats Can't Go Home Until You Do Your Job'

If the GOP leadership were to postpone or cancel the August recess, members of Congress would have time--and a lot more pressure--to accomplish what they promised they'd do.

Total Records: 367