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Entitlement Reform

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Federal spending mandated by our major entitlement programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) today comprises the majority of the federal budget and will bankrupt the United States absent imminent structural reforms.

Not only do these entitlement programs drain federal spending dollars, but they don’t do a particularly good job of delivering promised services and benefits. Social Security provides a shameful rate of return for most recipients, especially when compared with private sector alternatives.  And seniors and the poor are finding it increasingly difficult to find a doctor who will accept Medicare or Medicaid patients.

IPI has proposed specific, concrete solutions that would not only make these programs solvent and sustainable, but also deliver superior benefits. Entitlements should not be reformed solely for the benefit of the federal government, but also for the benefit of taxpayers and recipients.

August 21, 2012

Think Social Security's Trust Fund Is A Scam? Medicare Has One Too.

Both Social Security and Medicare have trust funds, but the Social Security Trust Fund is telling a bigger lie than Medicare's.

August 15, 2012

ObamaCare's 'Great Rebate' Was Supposed To Get Votes, Gets Confusion Instead

ObamaCare's health insurance rebate was supposed to arrive in mailboxes about now, buying voter support for the legislation. So far, it has mostly bought confusion.

August 15, 2012

New Publication Exposes Twelve Things (Still) Wrong with ObamaCare

Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews lists the greatest flaws and backward incentives of the president's signature legislation, concluding: “It is the wrong policy for the dynamic and fast-paced 21st century, an albatross fit for 1960, not 2012."

August 14, 2012

Five Undeniable Facts about Ryan's Medicare Reform Plan

While the left may disagree over whether Paul Ryan's Medicare reform plan is the right direction, there are at least five undeniable facts that even they should concede.

August 13, 2012

Ryan VP Pick Forces Obama into Medicare Reform Debate

Romney’s bold pick of House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan as Vice President makes it clear the 2012 election is about the country's financial future, and with Ryan on the ticket, President Obama will be dragged kicking and screaming into the Medicare reform debate.

July 24, 2012

President Obama Sets a Record: More Americans on Disability Than Ever

If those on disability were a state, it would be the 12th largest state in the country.

July 12, 2012

States Should Break Their Addiction To Medicaid

What dissenting governors—as well as many others—want is more flexibility to address the problems of the uninsured in creative ways.

July 10, 2012

Perry vs. Medicaid plan

In reaction to Gov. Rick Perry's declaration Monday that Texas should decline to expand Medicaid and leave creation of a health insurance exchange to the federal government, Dr. Merrill Matthews is quoted by Dallas Morning News reporter Robert Garrett that if enough states push back, maybe they can get the flexibility to try and actually fix the broken Medicaid system. 

July 9, 2012

Perry's Refusal to Expand Medicaid May Provide Opportunity to Fix Broken System

Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s refusal to expand Medicaid in the Lone Star State could be an opportunity to set a new paradigm in Medicaid.

March 15, 2012

Social Security By Choice

Three Texas counties have a model for reform that proves personal retirement accounts are more than just a conservative pipe dream.

Total Records: 190