The Mail-In Ballot and Voter-Fraud Threat: A Conversation with John Fund
The Taxing Ticket
In 2021 the economy will need pro-growth, not pro-government, policies to enable economic recovery. But the Biden/Harris ticket is promising the opposite.
Minorities Are Skeptical of Democrats' Latest Conspiracy
Blacks and Hispanics are skeptical of mail-in voting, and for good reason. So why are Democrats so focused on it.
Would a Democrat Have Managed the Pandemic Better?
Despite all of the Democratic claims of pandemic competence, there is little reason to think that the party could have handled the virus any better.
Fact-shaming Michelle Obama's DNC Speech
In her emotion-driven speech to the virtual Democratic National Convention, Obama made several claims that are at best misleading. And if the media won’t do its job in pointing out these contradictions, others have to.
4 Reasons Why Trump Can't Be Written Off--Yet
At this point, Trump has an uphill battle to win reelection. But the riots, Democrats’ far left turn and possible future revelations about the Russian hoax, may provide enough momentum to put Trump over the top.
'Redskins' Is Gone, But Changing 'Washington' Would Be a Much Bigger Job
Given the hundreds of cities, towns, counties, schools, businesses, buildings and bridges that seek to honor the founders’ good deeds, it’s very unlikely the cancel-history crowd will succeed in eliminating their memory.
Joe Biden's 'Buy American or Else' Proposal
Democrats have long criticized President Trumps' economic policies, yet Joe Biden is now plagiarizing some of them—and making them worse.
Advisory: The Return of Trump 'Mojo'
How Trump Can Get His Mojo Back
In this op/ed written for The Hill, the author offers some key points that could impact the election.