Deducting Taxes from Taxes
Through the federal tax code, we encourage higher state taxes by allowing the deductibility of state taxes from federal income taxes.
When Public Servants Become 'Public Serpents'
Federal government workers were allowed to unionize 55 years ago. As a result, they have become the most overpaid, overprotected and underpreforming segment of the workforce.
Report Says Bill Leaves 51 Million Uninsured in 2026
Different Sides See CBO Report Differently
Merrill Matthews, resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation, said Wednesday that "Republicans will think they dodged the bullet with this. They will feel it could have been worse."
Republicans Who Believe in 'Tax Gain Without the Pain'
Some Republicans have now decided that there is no downside to certain tax increases.
Six Challenges Facing Tax Reform
President Trump appears more excited about tax reform than health care reform, but he will face some of the same challenges--and perhaps even more.
The Debt Ceiling's Baaaaack! What Will Republicans Do?
Republicans challenged President Obama efforts to raise the debt ceiling by demanding spending cuts. Now that the debt ceiling is back and Republicans are in control, will they be as aggressive in pushing spending cuts?
Will Single-Payer Health Care Be California's Next Big Fiscal Crisis?
As Institute for Policy Innovation scholar Merrill Matthews recently noted in these pages, a number of states have tried to impose single-payer health plans on their citizens and failed.
On Tax Reform, You Can't Expense What You Can't Afford
Congressional leaders need to remember that the goal of tax reform is increased growth through increased business investment.
The Republican Replace Plan Is Unlikely to Lower Health Insurance Costs
Obamacare abandoned actuarial principles, which is a primary reason why the health insurance exchanges are collapsing. The Republican replace plan does the same thing.