Is Blue-City Chaos Leading to a Blue-City Exodus?
We know people are fleeing blue states for red states. The recent blue-city chaos may be exacerbating that trend.
Liberal Supreme Court Justices Never Wear the 'Swing Vote' Mantle
When Senate Democrats grill a Republican Supreme Court nominee, they scathingly predict the nominee will be closed minded and vote along ideological lines. The truth is that only liberal justices do that.
Liberals: Which 'Science' Are We Supposed to Believe?
What some want to call science is increasingly politics masquerading as science. And nothing has demonstrated that better than the coronavirus.
Look Who's Politicizing Economic Revival
The job of economic recovery is critical, and the American people are counting on Congress and the Fed to get it done without a political agenda.
Don't Use Pandemic Dollars to Push Political Agenda
Having already entrusted the Fed with hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to buy up corporate debt, Congress must insist that the debt purchases be made for exclusively economic reasons.
Social Justice Requirements Could Politicize Investments in CARES Act
Having already entrusted the Fed with hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to buy up corporate debt, Congress must insist that the debt purchases be made for exclusively economic reasons.
The Coming Fire Sale of COVID-19 Ventilators
Need a ventilator—cheap? The U.S. will have thousands upon thousands of unused ones--thanks to billions of taxpayer dollars and little data to guide such policy decisions.
The Media's Obsession with Hydroxychloroquine and Donald Trump
The media's latest obsession is attacking President Trump for "playing doctor" when he highlights doctors' reports of a successful treatment for COVID-19.
What If Democrats Stonewalled the Drug Companies' Response to COVID-19?
The Democrats' shameless stonewalling of a coronavirus relief package in order to pass their progressive wish list demonstrates why we cannot let Congress control the drug industry.