  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


October 28, 2016

Why Local Governments Shouldn't Restrict Companies Like Uber and Airbnb

“Local governments are at least as capable as the feds of passing laws and ordinances that violate the presumption of liberty in the Constitution,” Giovanetti said. “Tyranny isn’t OK just because it is approved by a majority of your fellow townsfolk. Rule of law, not local control, must be the governing principle.” 

October 25, 2016

Native Americans Condemn the Dakota Pipeline, the Law Doesn't

Raising concerns about threats to Indian historic sites is simply a tactic the Left is using to achieve its larger goal: ending the use of fossil fuels. It successfully employed similar tactics when fighting the Keystone XL pipeline.

October 20, 2016

The Worm in Netflix's Apple

Instead of succeeding through private, free-market negotiations, Netflix chose to lobby for favorable treatment from government regulators.

October 18, 2016

New Poll: Public Agrees the 'System Is Rigged'

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders claim the economic system is "rigged" in favor of corporations and the rich; turns out a lot of Americans agree.

October 12, 2016

Memo To Trump: Blame Obama, Not Ford, For Small Car Shift To Mexico

"By moving their small cars to Mexico, which has skilled but cheaper labor, Ford hopes to break-even or make a little profit off them," explains the Institute for Policy Innovation's Merrill Matthews. (He notes that tax policy and climate change rules are also pushing Ford out of the U.S.)  

October 11, 2016

A Federal Appeals Court Slaps Obama's Hand and Then Does Nothing

The Constitution and representative government won a victory against government overreach in the courts today, but it may not mean much—for now.

September 29, 2016

FCC Chairman Delays His Ill-Advised Set-Top Box Proposal

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler today pulled his ill-advised set-top box proposal from a scheduled vote, which is a good thing. The proposal has not been made public for comment and review, exceeds the FCC's jurisdiction, and creates significant new problems.

September 22, 2016

Transparently Hypocritical at the FCC and Public Knowledge

The FCC is slated to vote on a controversial set top box proposal by Chairman Wheeler that no one outside the FCC has seen.

September 19, 2016

Blame for Ford's Mexico Move Falls On Obama Administration

"By moving their small cars to Mexico, which has skilled but cheaper labor, Ford hopes to break even or make a little profit off of them” said Merrill Matthews.

Total Records: 369