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Energy RSS Feed

Access to abundant, affordable energy is a key factor in economic growth, whether supplying the manufacturing plants of the 20th century or the server farms of the 21st century. Unfortunately, the federal government has placed unreasonable restrictions on domestic exploration and development, and  foreign sources are sometimes actually hostile to our own interests.

New discoveries and innovative technologies have made possible the extraction of enormous new energy resources within the United States. The U.S. possesses not only enormous natural energy resources but also the technology to extract those resources in a responsible manner.

IPI believes that the United States should become as energy self-sufficient as possible, drawing upon a diverse energy base comprised of all possible energy resources. We believe that free people operating within a free economy using voluntary risk capital will out-innovate government-directed central planning funded by taxpayer dollars. The key to energy innovation is abundant capital, a tax system that rewards rather than punishes success, an intellectual property system that allows innovators to own the fruits of their research, and a regulatory environment that balances the needs of our economy with the protection of the environment.

March 16, 2023

We Do Not Have to Choose Between Fossil Fuels and Renewables--We Need Both

Many politicians mistakenly think that they must prove their support for fossil fuels by demeaning and defeating renewable energy sources, when the truth is that Texas needs more of everything.

March 15, 2023

Federal Offshore Wind, Oil and Gas Leasing Process Needs Urgent Congressional Reform

Coalition letter to leaders on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Natural Resources Committee to express the need for regulatory certainty to enable the use of all of America’s offshore energy resources.

February 14, 2023

What You Need to Know About Government's Clean Energy Subsidies

The current push for more clean energy efforts is being driven more by government subsidies than consumer demand.

December 20, 2022

Republicans to Investigate Russian Environmental Influence Peddling That the Media Dismiss

We don’t know if the Russians are covertly funneling money to U.S. environmental groups, or any other U.S. groups for that matter—but it would be nice if we did know.

December 18, 2022

As Latin America Shifts Left, Oil Production Could Fall

The leftward turn of many Latin American governments is yet another reason why the Biden administration needs to end its war on U.S.-produced fossil fuels. Otherwise, the energy shortages facing Europe will find their way to the states.

November 17, 2022

U.S. Has LNG to Heat Europe; Does it Have the Will?

Domestic LNG production could keep homes warm in Europe, countering Russian aggression while advancing U.S. interests.

November 8, 2022

What if You Held an International Climate Summit and Nobody Cared?

Attendees of COP 27 will claim we need to do more to address climate change, but many will return home and actually do less.

November 1, 2022

For Biden, Politics Always Dictates Policy

For most presidents, politics plays a role in policy; for Biden politics dictates policy.

October 11, 2022

Biden's Effort to Make the Energy Shortage Even Worse

Biden has the most chaotic energy policy of any president in modern history, and his flirtation with an oil export ban is just the latest example.

October 4, 2022

Environmental Equity Clashes with Gender Equality

Defenders promote the Green New Deal as a solution for some of our social and economic inequality issues, but it actually appears to be causing some of them.

Total Records: 351