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Economic Growth

Economic Growth RSS Feed

A growing economy creates jobs, raises living standards, maintains global competitiveness, and thus engenders positive attitudes and optimism about the future.

While many policymakers seem intent on focusing on either economic stimulus or austerity, IPI believes that the economy can grow consistently and at higher rates than we’ve experienced in the last decade, and we reject the idea that economic growth contains within itself the seeds of its own demise through inflation, the business cycle, and erroneous Phillips Curve assumptions. Therefore, economic growth should be elected officials’ primary policy goal at the federal, state and local levels, and it’s the organizing principle of our policy work at IPI.

Whatever limitations may exist on economic growth, they should not be self-imposed through counterproductive tax policy, overbearing regulations, ill-conceived monetary policy, trade protectionism, or hostility toward skilled and ambitious immigration.

August 23, 2018

A New NAFTA Must Enhance IP Protections

If a new NAFTA doesn’t improve intellectual property protections, it’s not a better deal, says a new publication released today by the Institute for Policy Innovation.

August 16, 2018

Who Pays Tariffs?

Who pays the Trump tariffs? Americans, that’s who—as importers of tariffed products, businesses that buy those imported items, and, ultimately, consumers.

August 5, 2018

State Needs Good Schools to Keep Business Booming

The trick is keeping an eye on potential challenges to the good news. For instance, education — the training of minds, the cultivation of skills. The news here is less celebratory.

July 25, 2018

Trump Accomplished American Energy Dominance - Then Gambled It On A Trade War

If the U.S. and China don’t defuse this conflict, China’s retaliatory tariffs could hammer America’s booming energy industry, wiping out thousands of current or future oil and gas jobs.

July 24, 2018

Time for Congress to Take Back Its Tariff-Imposing Authority

The U.S. Constitution empowers Congress, not the president, to impose tariffs. It's time to return that power to its rightful legislative branch.

July 3, 2018

Blame Government, Not Technology, for High Unemployment

Technology does eliminate some jobs, but on balance creates more than it destroys. Just look at the most technologically advanced countries, where unemployment is at near-historic lows.

June 28, 2018

Former Adviser Praises Trump for Tax Cuts and Deregulation but Calls His Tariffs 'Stupid'

In his presentation, titled “Trumponomics: How and Why It’s Working,” Moore said that the heart of “Trumponomics” is growing the economy as rapidly as possible and that many of the major issues facing our country today — including poverty, the national debt, income inequality and education — will be easier to solve if the economy is growing faster.

June 26, 2018

Here Comes Trump's Steel Tariffs-Induced Crony Capitalism

We predicted that if Trump's trade war took off it would lead to crony capitalism. Now companies are understandably lining up for tariff exemptions, and you know money and favors are changing hands.

June 22, 2018

Supreme Court Ruling on Sales Tax Weighs on, Inc.

It’s unclear how the new ruling will effect smaller sellers, but Institute for Policy Innovation president Tom Giovanetti is in the camp of those that sees it as a big problem for them.

June 22, 2018

Supremes' Decision Branded Online Taxation Without Representation

“In today’s Wayfair decision, the Supreme Court overturned 25 years of its own precedent and decided that states will be able to assess sales taxes on internet transactions, siding with the state of South Dakota against Wayfair and other online sellers," said IPI president Tom Giovanetti, who also sounded ready to throw some tea overboard.

Total Records: 607