  • Freedom
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  • Growth


March 13, 2019

The Patriot's Guide to Socialism

As Forrest Gump might say, “Socialism is as socialism does.” But what exactly is socialism?

February 19, 2019

A Quick Look at the Long History of the National Emergency Power

Many presidents have invoked a national emergency for many different reasons, but it has usually been left to the president to decide when such action was necessary. 

February 6, 2019

The Great Tax Cut Story

In his State of the Union address, President Trump highlighted an economy that has grown much stronger on his watch, in large part thanks to his tax reform legislation.

February 5, 2019

Venezuelan Socialism Destroyed Its Energy Industry--and the Country

Socialism has destroyed Venezuela's energy industry, which cut off one of the country's primary revenue sources. For some reason, U.S. democratic socialists think that's a good model. 

January 26, 2019

How to Build That Border Thing Now That The Government Is Up and Running

“He didn’t have much choice,” said Institute for Policy Innovation innovator Merrill Matthews. “He faced nonstop negative coverage from the mainstream press and Democrats and decided to cut his losses. A prudent move.”

January 24, 2019

Can A Progressive Democrat Win the Presidency in 2020?

To win the 2020 election, Democrats will have to overcome two major obstacles: history and their lurch to the political left. They cannot change the first obstacle, and they seemingly don’t want to change the second.

January 10, 2019

Is Elizabeth Warren A Viable Presidential Candidate?

Warren seems to be chasing the progressive movement rather than leading it.

January 3, 2019

The Purpling of America

Why then do people leaving "Blue" states bring their Blue state politics with them to a state offering a less-expensive lifestyle?

December 4, 2018

The French Tell Macron Where to Stick His Gas Tax

French President Macron is shocked his constituents don't want to pay higher taxes so he can claim to be a clean-energy leader. Are U.S. progressives listening?

Total Records: 521