  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


September 16, 2016

Blame Government for Ford's Decision to Move Small Car Production to Mexico

When companies are confronted with politicians who impose onerous mandates and penalties as well as the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world something's got to give.

August 19, 2016

Aetna Leaving Health Insurance Exchanges Due to DOJ Lawsuit

Aetna is planning to pull out of most of the public health insurance exchanges in 2017 and move from serving 778 counties to only 242 counties.

August 8, 2016

The Justice Department Fights Health Insurers Trying to Survive the Obamacare Wasteland

The Obama administration’s efforts to keep four insurers from becoming two may mean that only one or none will continue selling on the Obamacare exchanges.

July 22, 2016

DoJ Lawsuits Sabotage Insurers' Ability to Survive Obamacare

The Department of Justice announcement to block two separate health insurer mergers sabotages those insurers’ ability to survive Obamacare’s financially unsustainable and onerous regulatory environment in the health insurance marketplace.

July 12, 2016

GOP Draft Platform Blasts Obama for Putting 'Survival' of Internet at Risk

Institute for Policy Innovation President Tom Giovanetti tweeted that the 2016 draft GOP platform's language on "protecting Internet from taxation and regulation is INADEQUATE" and proposed language that IPI would prefer.

June 27, 2016

After Britain, Could Texas Secede Next?

Many Texans can empathize with Brits who went to the polls and said we want our freedom back.

June 20, 2016

Only Congress Can Stop FCC's Sweeping Regulation of the Internet

The FCC’s regulation of the Internet must be viewed as being in direct contravention of Congress’ deregulatory intent, and as the biggest U.S. re-regulation in decades.

June 17, 2016

With FCC Set-Top Box Overreach, Time Is Now For Congress to Rein in Agency

The FCC's new set-top box regulations do not address any problem, but would create a whole new set of problems by redesigning the wildly dynamic and innovative video industry according to the whims of Chairman Tom Wheeler, and it's time for Congress to rein in the rogue agency.

June 17, 2016

Here's the President Donald Trump Most Resembles

The former Republican president who Trump most resembles isn’t Reagan, but Herbert Hoover, who served from March 1929 to March 1933, when his reelection bid was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

June 15, 2016

Only Congress Can Stop FCC's Sweeping Regulation of the Internet

Only Congress can undo the FCC's broad assertion of power over the Internet and return to the light touch regulation that facilitated the Internet revolution in the first place. Congress should act.

Total Records: 369