Should U.S. Coastal Cities Spend Billions To Combat the Flooding That's Expected To Be Caused By Climate Change?
Many coastal city officials are considering spending millions—in some cases billions—of taxpayer dollars preparing for an impending flood caused by rising sea levels.
Bold Policy Reforms for the 2016 Election
Challenging times require bold reforms, but very few political candidates have proposed any. With this paper we try to fill that gap by identifying five reforms that would solve current problems, spur economic growth and return power and money to the states and the people.
Five Bold Policy Reforms 2016 Candidates Should Embrace
House Speaker Paul Ryan says Republican candidates are looking for bold policy reforms. IPI has responded with proposals that reduce the size and scope of government, empower people and states to make their own decisions, and keep more money in the private sector rather than the public sector.
When Will Republican Candidates Start Identifying Proposed Spending Cuts?
Tax cuts are nice but they are not enough. The government doesn’t just take too much money, it also spends too much.
Our National Debt Is Trillions Of Dollars More Than You Think
Conservatives frequently remind voters that federal debt has risen to more than $18 trillion under President Obama. But that figure overlooks another nearly $3 trillion, which would put total federal debt at about $21 trillion.
Brady Briefing: Ways & Means Important to Texas, U.S.
Tom Giovanetti, president of the freedom-oriented IPI, recently wrote “Now that Texas Republican Kevin Brady chairs the Ways & Means Committee, he will have more to say about the details of any eventual tax reform than will the future president. So what really matters is Brady’s priorities…and they are encouraging”.
Comparing the Major Candidates' Tax Plans
Most of the major presidential candidates have released tax reform plans with enough specifics to run them through an economic model. On tax policy, Republicans tend to focus on economic growth, while Democrats tend to focus on distributional effects.
Big Policy Reforms Republican Candidates Should Embrace in 2016
With the possible exception of tax reform, very few conservatives will accuse the GOP presidential candidates of bold policy proposals. So maybe the candidates could use some suggestions.
'Twas the Week Before Christmas:
As Ryan the new Chief, and Nancy the shill,
Agreed they would stick us with a huge spending bill.
Immigrants Getting More Help Than You Realize From White House
Immigrants coming to the United States are getting a free hand from the Obama Administration. And more of a free hand than you even realize.