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Economic Growth

Economic Growth RSS Feed

A growing economy creates jobs, raises living standards, maintains global competitiveness, and thus engenders positive attitudes and optimism about the future.

While many policymakers seem intent on focusing on either economic stimulus or austerity, IPI believes that the economy can grow consistently and at higher rates than we’ve experienced in the last decade, and we reject the idea that economic growth contains within itself the seeds of its own demise through inflation, the business cycle, and erroneous Phillips Curve assumptions. Therefore, economic growth should be elected officials’ primary policy goal at the federal, state and local levels, and it’s the organizing principle of our policy work at IPI.

Whatever limitations may exist on economic growth, they should not be self-imposed through counterproductive tax policy, overbearing regulations, ill-conceived monetary policy, trade protectionism, or hostility toward skilled and ambitious immigration.

June 21, 2018

Amazon Shares Fall After Supreme Court Ruling on Sales Tax, As Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Gain

“The decision leaves e-commerce and especially small sellers extremely vulnerable to states gluttonous for tax revenue particularly from consumers and businesses with no presence in their state,” IPI president Tom Giovanetti said in a statement.

June 18, 2018

Democrats Are Supporting Yet Another Failed Socialist Policy

Democrats are gearing up to support a universal basic income plan because good intentions are more important than proposing policies that actually work.

June 12, 2018

Just Say No to Russia Joining the G-7

President Trump has suggested allowing Russia to rejoin the G-7, a bad idea since Russia is not a major, like-minded developed economy.

May 3, 2018

An Open Letter to the President and Congress Regarding Tariffs

Dr. Merrill Matthews joins thousands of other economists as a signator on an open letter to President Trump and Congress expressing opposition to protectionist tariffs. 

April 24, 2018

No, Mr. President, You Have That Backwards

President Trump seems to think we don't tax Japanese automakers, but we do. And Trump's suggestion would tax Americans instead.

April 19, 2018

Coalition Letter Urging Intellectual Property Protection Under NAFTA

Intellectual property is too important to global health and America’s industrial competitiveness to accept a new NAFTA lacking in robust IP protections.

April 10, 2018

Even the Threat of a Trade War Could Tank the Economy

The U.S. economy has shifted from strength to uncertainty, and both because of President Trump's policies: Economic strength emerged from his regulation and tax cut efforts, and uncertainty from his tariff threats.

April 5, 2018

A Do-Over on the Omnibus Spending Disaster?

Aggressive use of the Impoundment Control Act could restore some sanity to federal spending and create consensus toward revision of the filibuster rule.

April 2, 2018

Chinese Trade War Shows Tariffs Don't Make America Great Again

As China increases tariffs on 128 U.S. products and the first sparks of a trade war begin to fly, President Trump demonstrates a failure to learn lessons from history in his pursuit to make tariffs great again.

March 21, 2018

Five Undeniable Truths About Tariffs

President Trump hopes to make tariffs great again. But economists learned several lessons from the past big tariff push in the 1930s. Here are some of those lessons.

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