Stock Alert: Toyota Considers a Money-Losing Electric Vehicle Strategy
Toyota stock may struggle in the near future as the company decides to dramatically crank up its electric vehicle production.
Tariffs Are Taxes
President Trump is threatening to raise taxes on Americans. Again. That’s because tariffs are taxes, and they are paid by Americans, not by foreigners.
Did the U.S. Shortchange Puerto Rico on Disaster Aid?
Some think Puerto Rico has been shortchanged. The numbers tell a more nuanced story.
Masterson Online: Our Votes In Danger?
The best justification I've read of late for having the electoral college comes from Dr. Merrill Matthews.
If Offered Free-Markets or "Regulatory Certainty," Choose Free-Markets
Conservatives say they hate crony capitalism, but a bill that makes it illegal for a new competitor providing a legal product or service to enter a market takes crony capitalism to a whole new level.
Electoral College Protects All Americans Against the 'Tyranny of the Majority'
The Electoral College is one of the most critical institutions created by the framers of the Constitution to ensure a stable representative government, yet it’s under attack.
'Equal Pay Day' and Other Meaningless Tropes
The left keeps highlighting the gender pay gap because it needs victims. What the gap actually shows is how much progress women have made.
Sanders' High Energy Level and Loyal Followers Make Him the Dems' Front-runner
Sanders has name recognition and a large pool of potential volunteers, many of whom are energized, motivated and feel the Clinton political machine robbed Sanders of the 2016 Democratic nomination.
The Patriot's Guide to Socialism
As Forrest Gump might say, “Socialism is as socialism does.” But what exactly is socialism?