  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


March 18, 2016

Gagging Negative Reviews Online Impedes Commerce and Free Speech

Such actions designed to limit speech and thought are repugnant to the very meaning of being American.

March 7, 2016

Bold Policy Reforms for the 2016 Election

Challenging times require bold reforms, but very few political candidates have proposed any. With this paper we try to fill that gap by identifying five reforms that would solve current problems, spur economic growth and return power and money to the states and the people.

March 7, 2016

Five Bold Policy Reforms 2016 Candidates Should Embrace

House Speaker Paul Ryan says Republican candidates are looking for bold policy reforms. IPI has responded with proposals that reduce the size and scope of government, empower people and states to make their own decisions, and keep more money in the private sector rather than the public sector.

February 23, 2016

Why Big Government Liberals Want to Stamp Out the $100 Bill

Some believe eliminating the $100 bill would help the government fight crime, but it would also pave the way for more government intrusions on our privacy.

February 8, 2016

EPA Sets Renewable Fuel Mandate Below Legal Requirement

IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews says repealing the mandate would be good for the economy and the environment. “Ending the Renewable Fuel Standard would immediately and dramatically increase the demand for oil, stabilize energy markets, boost the economy, and likely reduce carbon-dioxide emissions.”

February 2, 2016

Trump Vows to Cut EPA If Elected

"If either [Trump or Cruz] wins the White House, it’s the EPA's, not the human race's, existence that will be threatened,” IPI's Merrill Matthews said.

December 23, 2015

Just in Time for Christmas! It's Text Spam

When a company is seeking to use government regulation to pad its own bottom line the government should reject the proposal.

December 11, 2015

Could Santa's Workshop Survive Obama's Anti-Business Regulations?

It’s a good thing Santa’s workshop is based at the North Pole and not in the U.S. His toy factory might not survive Washington’s anti-business regulatory aggression—especially over the past seven years.

December 9, 2015

Wouldn't It Be Great If We Could Make Obama Live Under the Same Laws We Do?

While millions of lower-income Americans will be struggling to find a job or get enough hours to pay the bills, Obama won’t have to worry when he's out of office. 

November 30, 2015

Will The Government Force Health Insurers To Sell In Obamacare Exchanges?

What would the federal government do if there were a stampede to the exchange exit door? Depends on who’s pulling the levers in Washington.

Total Records: 369