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Budget and Deficit

March 31, 2015

There's a Huge Downside to Obama's Free Community College Proposal

by Andrew Parker

President Obama's proposal to make community college tuition free (i.e., taxpayer funded) could have a huge, negative financial impact on four-year colleges and universities.

March 17, 2015

How About a Bold Plan for Reforming Social Security's Disability Program

If we are going to reform the Social Security disability insurance program, let's be bold and privatize it.

March 10, 2015

Obama Does to Student Loans What He Did to Health Care

President Obama is actively trying to get college students hooked on thousands of dollars in taxpayer-funded loans, only to forgive much of that debt later. That's how you create government dependency, not fiscally responsible citizens.

March 9, 2015

Scammers are Swindling Taxpayers Out of $1,000 Per Household

President Obama believes redistributing money is the way to create jobs and spur economic growth, and thieves are helping him do just that.

March 3, 2015

As Obama Trolls for More Money to Spend, Republicans Need to Keep the Sequester Caps

As President Obama trolls for ever more spending, it is more important than ever for Republicans to keep the sequester spending caps if they want to control government spending.

February 10, 2015

Calling Sen. Coburn: Wish He Could Still Expose Obama's Latest NIH Funding Ploy

President Obama wants to throw more money at the National Institutes of Health, as part of the liberal vision that government is better and cheaper at research. But taxpayers shouldn't give more money to an agency that wastes billions of dollars on questionable, and even ludicrous, research.  

January 19, 2015

Obama SOTU Tax Proposal 'Pokes GOP In The Eye'

Congressional Republicans should consider an orchestrated, loud guffaw when the president proposes his tax and spending agenda in tomorrow’s State of the Union address.

January 5, 2015

Four Questions Every Conservative Should Ask About the Defense Budget

Even as we honor our soldiers for the job they do, conservatives should bring the same concern about government waste, inefficiency and overreach to the military that we do to every other government agency.

December 17, 2014

'The Most Unkindest Cut of All?' Yes, But a Different Victim

The IRS had its budget cut in the continuing resolution this year and immediately the press and many liberal groups called the reduction outrageous, but the cruelest cut was saved for the taxpayer.

December 11, 2014

CRomnibus in Context

For conservatives, there are a surprising number of policy victories in the "CRomnibus."

Total Records: 357