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Economic Growth

Economic Growth RSS Feed

A growing economy creates jobs, raises living standards, maintains global competitiveness, and thus engenders positive attitudes and optimism about the future.

While many policymakers seem intent on focusing on either economic stimulus or austerity, IPI believes that the economy can grow consistently and at higher rates than we’ve experienced in the last decade, and we reject the idea that economic growth contains within itself the seeds of its own demise through inflation, the business cycle, and erroneous Phillips Curve assumptions. Therefore, economic growth should be elected officials’ primary policy goal at the federal, state and local levels, and it’s the organizing principle of our policy work at IPI.

Whatever limitations may exist on economic growth, they should not be self-imposed through counterproductive tax policy, overbearing regulations, ill-conceived monetary policy, trade protectionism, or hostility toward skilled and ambitious immigration.

February 7, 2018

SOTU: Trump Hit A Grand Slam and Touched All Bases

By virtually any traditional measure -- as well as a few nontraditional measures -- President Donald Trump's first State of the Union (SOTU) address was a great success. Let us count the ways.

February 2, 2018

On Tax Reform, the Hits Just Keep on Coming

Now that the Trump administration’s historic tax reform is actual law, there is every reason to expect continued good economic news and higher rates of economic growth.

January 30, 2018

Tax Competition Explodes and the Left Hates It

Tax competition is good for economies, just like other forms of competition; and the new tax reform law has made U.S. corporate tax rates competitive again.

January 25, 2018

The Republican Tax Reform Is Achieving Democratic Goals

Why are Democrats so critical of the Republican tax reform? It is rapidly achieving many of the Democrats’ economic goals.

January 17, 2018

Trump's Tax Reform Miracle

President Trump has already done more to grow the U.S. economy than the last four presidents and 28 years combined.

January 15, 2018

Trump's Tax Reform Is A Miracle That Should Make Everyone Giddy

"I don't know what lies ahead for the Trump administration, but President Trump has already done more to grow the U.S. economy than the last four presidents and 28 years combined. In itself that is a significant policy legacy."

January 3, 2018

How Trump's Second Year Can Top His First

President Trump made a lot of progress in 2017—a lot more than many expected. Now the question is whether his second year can top his first. 

December 20, 2017

IPI Commends Congress For Passing Pro-Growth Tax Reform

IPI enthusiastically commends Congress for finally passing a pro-growth tax reform that represents a much needed reduction in taxes on investment capital and will make the U.S. economy much more globally competitive.

December 17, 2017

How Average Americans Benefit From the GOP Tax Reform

Here’s one way millions of Americans will benefit from the Republican tax reform, even if they don’t benefit directly from lower tax rates: the booming stock market.

November 21, 2017

Giovanetti Commends FCC Initiative Rolling Back Title II

"We’re thankful that this mistake is soon to be overturned," said Tom Giovanetti.

Total Records: 607