  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


November 20, 2015

Capitol Hill: Nov. 20, 2015

Institute for Policy Innovation research fellow Bartlett Cleland slammed the FCC's "mission creep," discussing the Tuesday FCC oversight hearing before the House Communications Subcommittee.

November 19, 2015

The Creeping Tentacles of Unrestrained Regulation

We need restraint in the face of ill-defined, or ill-fitting, regulations that were clearly drafted and enacted in another age, for technology found today only in museums.

November 16, 2015

Multiple Proposed Conditions Submitted in Charter/TWC/BHN

But free-market-oriented IPI said Charter/TWC/BHN should go ahead "with the addition of conditions and concessions." Given the heavy competition in the video marketplace, IPI said, "fears that a post-merger Charter will wield overwhelming market power such that it will be able to quash such competition seems more based in Progressive Era general distrust of corporations than any informed understanding of the current video marketplace and the obvious current trends."

November 10, 2015

Health Sharing

Dr. Merrill Matthews in a recent article in Forbes describes a plan proposed by Bill Brann that adds a life insurance policy with a critical illness component. It would include an accelerated benefit provision that would allow the insurer to write the beneficiary a check to cover medical expenses.

November 10, 2015

If Donald Trump Becomes President, 6 Stocks to Buy

If Donald Trump were successful, multinationals like Apple, Google, they wouldn't have to try to use the tax system to hide their profits in other countries, IPI's Merrill Matthews tells The Street's Emily Stewart.

November 5, 2015

Lower Drug Prices by Streamlining Approval Process, Delaying IP Clock

A new publication shows how competition, streamlining the drug-approval process, and leveraging the power of intellectual property protections are the keys to unlock lower prices for consumers. 

October 23, 2015

Texas Fracking Battles Quiet For Now With Potential Storms Brewing

In Texas, more fracking ban battles are likely ahead with a state v. local control companion issue a new part of the mix. Denton’s fracking battle is, for now, resolved, but a larger ideological storm is undoubtedly looming.

October 16, 2015

A Viable, Affordable Alternative To Obamacare

This costs much less than Obamacare—at least if you do not qualify for, or refuse to accept, a federal subsidy to help pay the premiums.  If you take this route, you would have the satisfaction of politely telling Obama what he can do with his health insurance mandate.

October 14, 2015

The Minimum Wage Is A Price Control On Labor

In Tuesday’s Democratic debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders called for more than doubling the federal minimum wage to $15.00 an hour—a move that would hurt the poor by pricing workers out of the labor market and killing jobs.

Total Records: 369