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Budget and Deficit

December 9, 2014

Terror Insurance Tiff Threat to Spending Bill - and the Super Bowl

Under the terms of TRIA, if a certified terrorist attack exceeds $100 million, the law kicks in, with private insurers repaying taxpayers on the first $27.5 million of damages, Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, wrote in Forbes.

October 10, 2014

Taxpayers' Share of Federal Debt Is Down - To One Million

Wouldn’t it be good policy, as well as good finances, that instead of every taxpayer owing $1 million, they owned $1 million—the result of a lifetime of saving their payroll taxes rather than handing them over to big-spending Uncle Sam?

October 7, 2014

Will Obama Raise Taxes to Pay for the War on ISIS?

The public and the media should be demanding that Obama reveal how he plans to pay for the war on ISIS.

September 27, 2014

Elements of a Republican Reform Agenda

Powerpoint presentation given by IPI President Tom Giovanetti to the North Texas Strategy & Victory Conference in Grapevine, Texas on September 27, 2014.

August 19, 2014

Perry Indictment Could Boost White House Chances

Instead of being a millstone, the indictment may turn out to be a badge of honor

August 19, 2014

Four Reasons Rick Perry's Indictment Could Boost His Presidential Chances

Texas Governor Rick Perry’s indictment could help his presidential prospects if voters see his actions as an effort to stand up for principle and public accountability.

August 12, 2014

The U.S. Doles Out Financial Aid to 96 Percent of All Countries

The U.S. provides foreign aid to nearly every country, even those that don't like us very much. Is it time to rethink that strategy?

August 5, 2014

Did Ending Long-Term Unemployment Benefits Grow the Workforce?

The Obama administration wants to continue extending unemployment benefits; Republicans stopped them and—surprise!—now more Americans are reentering the workforce.

July 31, 2014

Obama's Climate-Change Action Costs More Than Inaction

Obama will continue to spend significantly more than what he’s already squandered in the hope of avoiding a $150 billion economic hit that will likely never happen anyway.

July 23, 2014

Note to CBO: Federal Debt Already Exceeds 100% of the U.S. Economy

By excluding intergovernmental loans from its standard debt statements, the CBO is ignoring more than a quarter of total federal debt, allowing lawmakers to hide behind a debt burden that is much worse than it seems.

Total Records: 357