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Technology & Communications

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Economists have long recognized that technological innovation and enhanced communication increase productivity and reduce friction in economic activity.  And never before has technology’s impact on economic growth been as evident as it is today.

At IPI, we focus on technology and communications policy not only because it’s critical to economic growth, but also because government’s inherent tendency to regulate prospectively poses an active threat to the economic gains and lifestyle enhancements made possible by technological innovation.

The communications and technology industries are among the country’s most competitive and the biggest capital investors in the U.S. economy, and are thus prime engines of economic growth and job creation. It is critical that public policy encourages continued innovation and investment in the tech sector, and that we don’t limit the innovation upside with counterproductive taxes and regulations.

August 10, 2015

Urgent For Congress to Secure Americans' Rights Through ECPA Reform

The U.S. Congress must reform the outdated 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to uphold Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights guarding against warrantless search and seizure of electronic data, says a new publication released today by the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI).

August 6, 2015

Congress Must Update ECPA to Protect Fundamental Rights

James Madison, and George Mason before him, were clear in the language in the Fourth Amendment, that the people and anything they own must be protected from unreasonable and warrantless government searches and seizures. So why aren't we?

July 23, 2015

Growing Opposition to RAWA Bill To Ban Internet Gambling

Opponents of the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA) cited the Tenth Amendment, givings states the authority to determine whether internet gambling is allowed, and assert that proponents are empowering big government. 

July 16, 2015

The Tangled Web Woven

The new normal for the technology industry interacting with Washington, DC seems to be to argue for niche pieces of the broad ecosystem which has left the industry open to being easily attacked, even by wholly false stories, by those who oppose a free market.

June 19, 2015

More Spectrum Needed to Avoid Wireless Traffic Jams

If the FCC would reallocate more of its time and resources to releasing spectrum and less of it to micromanaging the broadband industry, that would be a win-win for the U.S. economy.

June 18, 2015

New Push For Internet Sales Tax

Critics say the provision would allow states to harass businesses. "It opens the door to a grotesque expansion of state tax collection authority that is almost certainly unconstitutional, and places mandates upon the states that are probably unconstitutional as well," said IPI's Tom Giovanetti.

June 16, 2015

Coalition Letter Opposing Remote Transactions Parity Act

Like the failed Marketplace Fairness Act, this act would dismantle proper limits on state tax-collection authority while potentially causing serious damage to electronic and interstate commerce.

June 15, 2015

Chaffetz Bill More Dangerous Than Marketplace Fairness Act

A new online sales tax bill introduced today by Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is not only even more harmful than the Marketplace Fairness Act toward small businesses and interstate commerce, but also opens the gates to an unprecedented expansion of taxation and taxpayer harassment by out-of-state tax collectors.

June 2, 2015

Digital Discrimination

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Thanks to the inaction of Congress, taxes are multiple, discriminatory, and certain in the digital world.

June 1, 2015

Digital Discrimination

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Thanks to the inaction of Congress, taxes are multiple, discriminatory, and certain in the digital world.

Total Records: 501