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Budget and Deficit

July 11, 2014

Should Republicans Rubber Stamp Obama's $3.7 Billion Border Funding Request?

Obama has urged House Republicans to immediately pass his $3.7 billion special funding request. But before Republicans do anything, they should ask some serious questions.

June 18, 2014

How does Congress punish the VA for incompetence, mismanagement and fraud? Double its budget

Apparently it’s good to delay veterans’ health care, fabricate medical records, cover up the fraud and harass whistleblowers—because Congress is rewarding such behavior.

June 18, 2014

With Cantor Gone, GOP Would Be Wise To Let Ex-Im Expire

The most significant issue affected by Cantor’s loss is one that has become a symbol for the dispute between pro-business and pro-market conservatives, writes Tom Giovanetti in the Dallas Morning News. 

February 26, 2014

At Long Last, Talking About Fundamental Tax Reform

We’re long overdue to be talking about fundamental tax reform. Congressional leadership and President Obama should get on-board.

February 25, 2014

Never Trust an Agency Head Complaining about Budget Cuts

Is Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel telling the truth when he says spending cuts to the defense budget means popular programs will be eliminated? Who knows?

February 1, 2014

It's Easy to Balance the Budget Presentation to Denton County GOP

Presentation given by IPI President Tom Giovanetti at a gathering by the Denton County GOP in celebration of Lincoln-Reagan Day.

January 24, 2014

The "least productive Congress" is a badge of honor

A "do nothing" Congress is probably a constitutional Congress.

January 22, 2014

LAMBRO: Obama's sequestration alarmism was dead wrong

President Obama's bogus promises are legendary, but perhaps you've forgotten his "sky is falling" forecast about the sequester. Tom Giovanetti points out the economy added about 1 million new jobs over the period during which the sequester was supposed to cost 750,000 jobs.

January 22, 2014

Sequester Budget Cuts Helped, Not Harmed, The Economy

President Obama's bogus promises are legendary, but perhaps you've forgotten his "sky is falling" forecast about the sequester. Tom Giovanetti points out the economy added about 1 million new jobs over the period during which the sequester was supposed to cost 750,000 jobs.

January 20, 2014

State of the Union Preview

President Obama will deliver his State of the Union Address on January 28, and will likely begin by stressing that the economy continues to improve. But at least one economic dark cloud looms: the debt ceiling. 

Total Records: 357