Top AZ Justice in Dallas: Why Stakes are So High for Supreme Court Nominations
At the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series lunch on October 22, Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick will address the crux of what’s at play regarding this high-stakes Supreme Court nomination.
GOP Fumbled the Health Care Football, Now Dems Hope to Score
Bizarrely, Democratic legislation that helped them lose the House and later the Senate has become a a focus of their 2018 campaign ads.
Obama Comes Clean on His Support for Government Health Care
He's baaaaack! And Barack Obama is finally owning up to being the government-run health care advocate he claimed he wasn't when Obamacare was awaiting passage.
How Progressive Politics is Creeping into the Corporate Boardroom
Leftists are pressuring businesses to adopt progressive policies through organized shareholder activism.
Should Democrats Change Their Name to 'Democratic Socialists'?
In years past Democrats rejected any identification with socialism, but their recent policy positions demonstrate they are socialists in everything but name.
Coalition Letter Urging Rejection of the Title II CRA
Conservative groups urge House Republicans to reject a pending Congressional Review Act (CRA) measure that seeks to re-implement Obama Administration overreaching, anti-consumer internet regulations.
Coalition Letter Urging Congressional Approval of Tariffs
Given the serious, negative economic implications of tariffs, it is crucial for decisions on the issue to be made with the consent of Congress.
Why Are Liberals Never the Swing Votes on the Supreme Court?
With the retirement of Justice Kennedy the question has become which of the Republican justices will become the next swing vote, because liberal justices never drift from their ideological moorings.
Democrats Misusing the Congressional Review Act to Re-Regulate the Internet
The U.S. Senate will shortly face an attempt by Democrats to misuse the Congressional Review Act to re-impose Title II regulations on internet service providers (ISPs). And while this divisive, grandstanding approach will likely fail and even backfire, the ploy shows proponents’ determination to put the federal government back in charge of micromanaging the Internet.
Paul Ryan Fell Victim to the Senate Filibuster's Paralyzing Effect on Legislation
The filibuster must be reformed, and Republicans should do it while they can still dictate the new rule.