  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


July 27, 2015

Gun Control: Eating Steak with Teaspoons

I guess we should just chalk it up to coincidence when non-partisan groups like the Institute for Policy Innovation tell us that 16 out of 20 of the U.S. cities with the highest violent crime rates, like Baltimore, are run by Democrats.

July 23, 2015

President Putting Together Secret Race Database

IPI's Merrill Matthews tells KTRH-AM one of the things that will be affected by this is Section 8 housing. "Then you'll have more integration and less segregation, even if that segregation is completely voluntary."

July 23, 2015

Growing Opposition to RAWA Bill To Ban Internet Gambling

Opponents of the Restoration of America’s Wire Act (RAWA) cited the Tenth Amendment, givings states the authority to determine whether internet gambling is allowed, and assert that proponents are empowering big government. 

July 17, 2015

Tavenner Is The Perfect Pick For AHIP As Big Insurers Become Public Utilities

This organization knows something about insurance, and a generous interpretation of its action is that hiring Tavenner is “buying a little insurance.”

July 17, 2015

Dump The Sham Distinction Between Campaign and Super PAC Money

As long as government is involved in every aspect of our lives, then there will be a lot of money thrown at campaigns, especially presidential elections. Every time liberals try to stop it, people come up with a way around the restriction.

July 3, 2015

"King" Obama Decides to Raise Corporate Taxes and No One Can Stop Him

If a king wants to impose a huge new business tax he can just do it. And that’s what King Obama did with his just-announced change to overtime pay for salaried employees.

June 24, 2015

Decision For King Paves Way For More Affordable Health Care Plans, $700 Billion In Taxpayer Savings

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon release its decision regarding King vs. Burwell. A win for King won’t kill the law, but could make it largely unworkable in 34 states. But a win would also mean taxpayers would save an estimated $700 billion from fewer subsidies, and insurance companies may offer limited-benefit plans to help full the coverage gap. 

June 16, 2015

Have Toll Roads Become 'Troll Roads'?

At one time toll roads were thought to be a free market solution to traffic congestion; that assumption is being reconsidered by some.

June 8, 2015

It's Time We Gave Every Law a Time Limit

Insisting on sunset clauses would be a significant structural improvement in the function and efficiency of government at all levels, and would protect Americans from an ever-spreading snarl of outdated laws and regulations, administered by a government incompetent enough to allow them to accumulate in the first place.

May 22, 2015

The Madness of Minimum Wage Mania

The minimum wage mania has gotten out of hand. Politicians are trying to outbid each other—only they’re doing it with employers’ money, not their own. And they are getting a lot of support from low-paid workers who may soon find themselves unemployed.

Total Records: 369