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Budget and Deficit

January 15, 2014

Not a Great Strategy

Having both the highest national debt and the highest corporate tax rate among our competitors is not a very competitive strategy for the future.

December 18, 2013

More Spending Makes Washington's Christmas A Little More Merry

Among the disappointing lessons of the budget deal: More spending makes politicians on both sides of the aisle a little more merry.

December 12, 2013

The Sequester Is Dead

For the first time in decades, the sequester actually reduced federal discretionary spending, rather than just slowing the rate of growth. That was a huge achievement and is almost certainly one of the primary reasons why the economy is picking up steam again. If the Ryan-Murray agreement passes, the sequester is dead; there won’t be any resurrection.

December 6, 2013

The Courage of their Limited Government Convictions

With the next round of sequester spending restraints scheduled to hit in 2014, we’re about to find out which Republicans have the courage of their supposed limited government convictions.

November 13, 2013

Coalition Letter to Chairman Ryan Promoting Privatization

IPI joins with orther organizations in a letter recommending consideration of a variety of strategies to reduce spending, and increase revenue, through privatization policies.

November 6, 2013

Did the Sequester Hurt the Economy?

The sky didn’t fall, job creation picked up instead of slowing down, and in the process we’ve managed to begin the process of restraining federal spending.

November 6, 2013

Entitlement Tsunami

Without significant changes, entitlements could soon take every dollar of federal revenue.

October 29, 2013

Your share of the national debt is now $1.1 million

Each US taxpayer now has a federal-debt liability of $1.1 million, and rising.

October 21, 2013

What Really Hurts the Economy: Government Shutdowns or Obama's Economic Policies?

The two-week shutdown rattled many people and businesses, especially those who depend on the government. But what's causing the real damage is the president’s incessant quest to raise taxes and increase regulations and government spending.

October 16, 2013

The Debt Ceiling Won't Affect Social Security Benefits, Unless Democrats are Lying

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has been telling the country two different stories about the government’s ability to pay Social Security benefits during the debt-ceiling crisis. So which one is true?

Total Records: 357