  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


May 15, 2015

Assurant Health Falls Victim to Obamacare's Sweeping Regulations

Merrill Matthews says AH’s struggles are unfortunate but were predicted by nearly everyone—except the company’s CEO.

May 14, 2015

Liquor Sale Restrictions Stifling the Marketplace

Unfortunately, the truth is that Texas is not as free-market as we like to think. There remain many anti-competitive laws in Texas that have the effect of using government to protect certain businesses or certain business models. 

May 14, 2015

Unrealistic Rule Will Force U.S. Motorists Into Cramped, Unsafe, High-Priced Cars

"If you like your car or truck, you can keep it - as long as it meets my expectations rather than yours."

April 17, 2015

Giovanetti: HB 40 Positive Step To Uphold Rule of Law in Texas

Requiring that municipalities in Texas stay within state law when it comes to ballot initiatives and referenda is an entirely reasonable requirement, especially since some Texas municipalities have recently acted outside of Texas Law. A bill being voted on today in the Texas Legislature, HB 40, is a positive step toward making sure that rule of law, not majority tyranny, governs municipal rule-making

April 6, 2015

Eight Good Reasons To Abolish The IRS

Looking at the long list of IRS abuses, something needs to be done.

March 31, 2015

Lawmakers Should Uphold Consumer Freedom Against Unreasonable Ticket Sales Restrictions

As venues and ticketing companies attempt to monopolize secondary ticket markets, now is the time for governments to address this issue and act to protect consumers' rights.

March 31, 2015

Ease The Storage Crunch, Lift Ban On Crude Oil Exports

The U.S. has gone from asking "Where can we get more oil?" to "Where can we put it?" The US can ease the storage crunch and leverage the energy boom to the benefit of the U.S. economy by lifting the export ban on oil and natural gas.

March 29, 2015

It's Time For States To Tell The Feds To Take Their Subsidies And Shove 'Em

It’s time to end the cycle of the feds taking our money only to hand some of it back—minus a big bureaucratic handling charge—if states do their bidding.

March 25, 2015

When Republicans Flip-Flop And Embrace Government Mandates

As we move closer to the presidential primaries, watch for most GOP candidates to praise the Renewable Fuel Standard mandate. You might even ask them, if you get the chance, why isn’t energy freedom more important?

February 28, 2015

Time for Congress To Gut The FCC

The FCC has forsaken its mandate to be both expert and independent, Congress now has every reason to gut the FCC and radically downsize its regulatory scope and authority.

Total Records: 369