Taxes directly affect Americans by compelling them to surrender part of their income to the government, and indirectly since the taxing power can positively or negatively affect economic growth.
In the U.S., our tax regimes are in serious need for reform, both at the state and federal level. Our tax code fails to sufficiently incentivize investment, the primary driver of economic growth. And it hobbles U.S. companies as they compete internationally.
IPI believes that the purpose of taxes is to raise the revenue necessary to fund the legitimate functions of government while imposing the least possible impact upon the functioning of the economy. We therefore believe that taxes should be simple, transparent, neutral, territorial and competitive.
Because of its tremendous potential to stimulate real long-term economic growth, tax reform should be a top priority of policymakers.
The Wrong Approach to the Border Adjusted Tax
The border adjusted tax should be evaluated based on its merits and effects, not simply as a pay-for. And if Congress rejects the border adjusted tax, it’s fine to go with tax cuts that are not revenue neutral.
Three Basic Tax Changes Paul Ryan Must Achieve
As House Speaker Paul Ryan works to save tax reform, he must focus on attaining at least three basic tax changes to jumpstart the U.S. economy.
47 Conservative Groups and Activists: The Senate Should Repeal All Obamacare Taxes
As the Senate continues to make progress on legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare, we urge you and your colleagues to include repeal of the nearly 20 taxes imposed by the law.
A World Without the CBO
According to Director Mick Mulvaney, “The day of the CBO has probably come and gone.” We couldn't agree more.
Trump's Toxic Budget Is a Cheap Win for the Right People
A tax compromise that Trump could claim credit for isn’t hard to imagine. Business would be pleased. “A quarter of a loaf is better than none,” says Tom Giovanetti, president of the center-right Institute for Policy Innovation in Irving, Texas.
If 'Comprehensive' Is Impossible, Let's Get the Main Thing Done
Congress and the White House should focus on the most important elements that would contribute to jump-starting economic growth.
Raising Taxes Won't Stop Climate Change, But Will Slow Economic Growth
The country needs policies that help it become more competitive, not less so. Lowering the tax burden, not raising it with a carbon tax, is the best way to achieve that goal.
Republicans Who Believe in 'Tax Gain Without the Pain'
Some Republicans have now decided that there is no downside to certain tax increases.
FATCA is 'Unacceptable and un-American', Says US Taxpayer Coalition in Repeal Lobby
"FATCA violates our most-cherished principles of due process, presumption of innocence, personal privacy, and national sovereignty. It does not accomplish its stated objectives but does inflict untold collateral harm at great cost," the letter said.
Six Challenges Facing Tax Reform
President Trump appears more excited about tax reform than health care reform, but he will face some of the same challenges--and perhaps even more.