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Technology & Communications

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Economists have long recognized that technological innovation and enhanced communication increase productivity and reduce friction in economic activity.  And never before has technology’s impact on economic growth been as evident as it is today.

At IPI, we focus on technology and communications policy not only because it’s critical to economic growth, but also because government’s inherent tendency to regulate prospectively poses an active threat to the economic gains and lifestyle enhancements made possible by technological innovation.

The communications and technology industries are among the country’s most competitive and the biggest capital investors in the U.S. economy, and are thus prime engines of economic growth and job creation. It is critical that public policy encourages continued innovation and investment in the tech sector, and that we don’t limit the innovation upside with counterproductive taxes and regulations.

January 18, 2015

The President Who Brought You The Failed ObamaCare Website Now Wants To Bring You Government Internet

We are stuck, for two more years, with a president who thinks government can do it better—whatever it is. Ironically, he’s been trying to prove that point for six years and has nothing to show for it.

January 15, 2015

A Truer Value of Art and Culture

We all benefit when artists and creators invent, write, film and imagine. It’s also true that we all lose when piracy, whether via hacking or other means, is left to run rampant. 

January 14, 2015

Giovanetti: Obama Wants to Socialize the Internet

If you like your Post Office and your DMV, you’ll love ObamaNet.

January 8, 2015

Watching How the U.S.Treats Its Own States, Other Countries Could Learn How to Loot the U.S.

The Marketplace Fairness Act would have opened the door to a new era of state tax burdens under the guise of the principle of “economic nexus.”  

December 12, 2014

Travel is About to Get More Taxing

Creating a different set of tax laws, different from those already in place for hotels or services, is moving in the wrong direction.

December 11, 2014

Adelson's RAWA Failed to Make it to Lame Duck Session despite Republican Majority Win

Contrary to expectations held by the Adelson group, the Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling (CSIG) and even those who believed that crony capitalism will prevail, Congress decided not to include RAWA in the remaining days of the lame duck session.

December 11, 2014

CRomnibus in Context

For conservatives, there are a surprising number of policy victories in the "CRomnibus."

December 3, 2014

To Grow The Economy, Reject New Internet Taxes

It’s clear that voters want a different direction from Washington, and that different direction certainly doesn’t include higher taxes on the Internet.

December 3, 2014

Solving the H1B Visa Impasse

How about a market mechanism that would determine once and for all not only who is right, but that would determine what the market-clearing price for skilled immigrant labor actually is, informing future immigration policy formation?

November 20, 2014

The U.S. Senate Voted to Oppose Freedom

Technology is a tool that can be used for good or evil, to empower the state or empower the people. We must choose continued individual liberty.


Total Records: 501